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Collection ACLS Humanities E-Book Images 番羽土啬吧 A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/aclsic.jpg 3,164 4,671 aclsic 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 ACLS Humanities E-Book Images /a/aclsic MPublishing http://spo.umdl.umich.edu/ N/A text:ACLS Humanities E-Book Images default 丰都大溪村:贫困村蝶变美丽乡村-通讯员-华龙网 - CQNEWS:2021-10-15 · 近年来,重庆市丰都县虎威镇大溪村从改善基础设施着手,破解发展瓶颈,先后实施了通村通畅、人行便道硬化、山坪塘整治等一大批扶贫项目 ... MPublishing Humanities;Social Sciences History (General); Humanities (General);Social Sciences (General) Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/aclsic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/aclsic?page=index 东北网2021年05月27日新闻汇总:主流媒体 龙江门户 Miscellaneous 番羽土啬吧 misc-ic Miscellaneous
Collection 猫小乐慢着,看看我的无敌黑化照相伒阿衰保证黑得剩影子 ...:2021-10-23 · 猫小乐:慢着,看看我的无敌黑化照相伒?阿衰:保证黑得剩影子!庄库拿起相机正在自拍起来,拍了一个酷酷的姿势,这拍下,那拍下,简直自恋的不要不要的,这拍完还得要好好修一修图呢!你修什么图啊?一个大男人怎么 Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS UM) A 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... 18,091 19,189 apis /lib/colllist/thumbnails/apis.jpg Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS UM) /a/apis N/A N/A N/A text:Advanced Papyrological Information System, UM default The Advanced Papyrological Information System (APIS) is a collections-based repository hosting information about and images of papyrological materials (e.g., papyri, ostraca, wood tablets, etc.) located in collections around the world. It contains physical descriptions and bibliographic information about the papyri and other written materials, as well as digital images and English translations of many of these texts. When possible, links are also provided to the original language texts (e.g., through the Duke Data Bank of Documentary Papyri). The user can move back and forth among text, translation, bibliography, description, and image. With the specially-developed APIS Search System many different types of complex searches can be carried out. APIS includes both published and unpublished material. Digital Library Production Service Humanities;General Information Sources Archives and Manuscripts;Classical Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/apis N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/apis?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/apis?page=collinfo Archaeology,Karanis Site Research,University of Michigan Collections 墙软件;Karanis Site Research;University of Michigan Collections archaeol-ic;karanissite_icgroup;um-ic Archaeology;Karanis Site Research;University of Michigan Collections
Collection Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Photo Album Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Photo Album A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hussey2ic.jpg 26 26 hussey2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hussey2ic.jpg Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Photo Album /h/hussey2ic N/A N/A N/A text:Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Photo Album default 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_新闻_宜宾 ...:2021-3-13 · 四川在线宜宾频道消息(陈刚 王渤涛)“供电惠民助农政策硬是好,免费为我家新房立杆架线送了电!”3月12日,家住四川省宜宾市翠屏区思坡镇玉屏村村民徐全兴看到崭新的电线牵进了家,乐呵呵地说。当日,玉屏村热闹非凡,10余名身著蓝色工装的人员乘着几辆满载工具材料、标有“国家电网”字样 ... Digital Library Production Service Humanities;International Studies Asian Languages and Cultures;Japanese Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hussey2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hussey2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hussey2ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Slides Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Slides A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hussey1ic.jpg 17 17 hussey1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hussey1ic.jpg Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Slides /h/hussey1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Slides 墙软件 The Alfred Hussey Collection: Japan's Constitution Slides collection, Jinken Sengen (人権宣言), contains a set of slides commemorating the enactment of Japan's constitution. They are housed in the Asia Library at the University of Michigan. The slides are in Japanese and include drawings, colored cartoons, and images of the scales of justice with citizens. They were part of the effort to popularize the constitution. The slides show the educational purpose of the Popularization of the Constitution Society (Kenpo Fukyukai) and explained what the new constitution accomplished as it was an entirely new concept to Japanese citizens accustomed to the absolute authority of an emperor. The slides were a gift from Alfred Hussey. Hussey was an attorney and an American officer during World War II. At the end of the war, he was sent to Japan as an officer. In that capacity (and as one with legal expertise) he was directed to assist with writing a draft for the new Japanese constitution. Japanese law treats the slides as government works and thus they are in the public domain. Digital Library Production Service Humanities;International Studies Asian Languages and Cultures;Japanese Studies 墙软件 国内十大爆美民宿 第一个就惊掉下巴 - huanqiu.com:2021-7-16 · 导语:作为一有空就出去浪的人,恨不得每次休息时都去深山老林,待上两天,吸上两口仙,只为逃离钢筋混凝土城市的烦忧,这个时候美到岔气的民宿或酒店万万不能少,然而如今国内遍地都是民宿,究竟哪家比较好,且听浪象的良心推荐! N/A 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 时光倒退回30年前,这里全然是另一番景象:生活苦——农民人均可支配收入376元,超过一半人口处于绝对贫困状态,人畜混居现象普遍;生态差 ... http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hussey1ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection Ann Arbor Postcards Ann Arbor Postcards A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/moaapcic.jpg 260 260 moaapcic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/moaapcic.jpg Ann Arbor Postcards /m/moaapcic N/A N/A moaaic text:Ann Arbor Postcards N/A 昆明打造国际化便利化法治化营商环境 - yunnan.cn:2021-6-8 · 推门而入,传统的土墙老瓦、碎石铺就的小院、随处可见的不 知名野花,组成了充满彝族民居 味的“墨雨暄”,院内每个细节都 灌注着刘洋的巧思妙想。2021年11月,成都人刘洋在 学生苏智芝推荐下,第一次造访 大墨雨,一来便未离去。这里紧 Digital Library Production Service 缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。 Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;American Culture;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moaapcic N/A 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moaapcic?page=collinfo Making of Ann Arbor,University of Michigan History Making of Ann Arbor;University of Michigan History moaaic;umhist-ic Making of Ann Arbor;University of Michigan History
Collection Archivision Architecture Images Archivision Architecture Images A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/archivision2ic.jpg 102,450 102,450 archivision2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/archivision2ic.jpg 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... /a/archivision2ic N/A N/A N/A 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 default The Archivision Architectural Image Collection, a growing collection of approximately 84,000 high resolution images with approximately 6,000 additional images each year, encompasses a variety of examples of the built environment including images of architecture, gardens and parks, public spaces, and cities from North America, Europe, and Asia. The collection is created and curated by Scott Gilchrist, photographer and architect. The University Library licenses the images for academic use from Archivision Inc. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources Architecture;Landscape Architecture;Photographs and Pictorial Works Restricted to UM http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/archivision2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/archivision2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/archivision2ic?page=collinfo Architecture,Art / Art History,Visual Resources Collections 番羽土墙软件;Art / Art History;番羽土墙软件 arch-ic;art-ic;vrc-ic Architecture;Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections
Collection Archivision Art Images Archivision Art Images A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/archivision3ic.jpg 12,187 12,187 archivision3ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/archivision3ic.jpg Archivision Art Images /a/archivision3ic N/A N/A N/A text:Archivision Art Images 番羽土墙 The Archivision Art Image Collection focuses on a wide range of art from Italy, including ancient Roman frescoes, mosaics, and sculpture, as well as paintings and sculpture from the medieval to baroque periods. The collection, created and curated by Scott Gilchrist, photographer and architect, is expected to grow by approximately 3,000 images per year. The University Library licenses the images for academic use from Archivision Inc. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources Art and Design;Photographs and Pictorial Works Restricted to UM http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/archivision3ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/archivision3ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/archivision3ic?page=collinfo Architecture,Art / Art History,Visual Resources Collections Architecture;Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections 番羽土墙软件 Architecture;Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections
Collection Art Images for College Teaching Art Images for College Teaching A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/aict.jpg 3,064 3,056 aict /lib/colllist/thumbnails/aict.jpg Art Images for College Teaching /a/aict N/A N/A N/A text:Art Images for College Teaching default The Art Images for College Teaching (AICT) collection is intended primarily to disseminate images of art and architectural works in the public domain on a free-access, free-use basis to all levels of the educational community, as well as to the public at large. All images in this collection are the copyrighted property of art historian and photographer Allan T. Kohl. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources Architecture;Art History;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/aict N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/aict?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/aict?page=collinfo Architecture,Art / Art History,Visual Resources Collections Architecture;Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections arch-ic;art-ic;vrc-ic Architecture;Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections
Collection Art, Architecture and Engineering Library Art, Architecture and Engineering Library A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/ummu.jpg 97,486 89,929 ummu /lib/colllist/thumbnails/ummu.jpg Art, Architecture and Engineering Library /u/ummu N/A N/A N/A text:Art, Architecture and Engineering Library default Images from this collection are part of the Art, Architecture and Engineering Library Imageworks, which is on the second floor of the Duderstadt Center at the University of Michigan. The collection primarily serves the College of Architecture & Urban Planning and the School of Art & Design. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources Architecture;Photographs and Pictorial Works 墙软件 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/ummu N/A 历史上造反成功,坐上龙椅的四大反贼,其中不乏千古明君 ...:2021-3-12 · 中国封建时伕人伔信优的是天下非一人之天下,乃人人之天下,所众很多人对于皇位都怀有觊觎之心,许多反贼都是为了那把高高在上的龙椅而起兵造反,但是最后能够坐上龙椅的并不多,有四个人最为出名。历史上造反成功, http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/ummu?page=collinfo Architecture,Art / Art History,Photography,Visual Resources Collections Architecture;Art / Art History;Photography;Visual Resources Collections arch-ic;art-ic;photo-ic;vrc-ic 朱子范与《石牌中山大学校赋》_文化中国__中国青年网 ...:2021-6-14 · 油画《民国中山大学石牌校区》 曹讚/画 朱子范的书法 《石牌中山大学校赋》刊登在1934年出版《国风》杂志上 董 究 日前《羊城沧桑》刊载《民国广州“大学城”》一文,对中大石牌校区的建设描述详细,读后颇有裨益。
Collection Art, Architecture and Engineering Library, Lantern Slide Collection Art, Architecture and Engineering Library, Lantern Slide Collection A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/ummu2ic.jpg 20,672 12,864 ummu2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/ummu2ic.jpg Art, Architecture and Engineering Library, Lantern Slide Collection /u/ummu2ic N/A N/A N/A text:Art, Architecture and Engineering Library, Lantern Slide Collection 墙软件 This collection contains digital images created from lantern slides showing architecture, cities, and landscapes from the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The original lantern slides that form this collection are part of the Art, Architecture and Engineering Library Special Collections housed in the lower level of the library. 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... Arts;General Information Sources Architecture;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/ummu2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/ummu2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/ummu2ic?page=collinfo Architecture,Visual Resources Collections Architecture;Visual Resources Collections arch-ic;vrc-ic 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ...
番羽土墙软件 Artists' Books Artists' Books A /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mlibrary1ic.jpg 537 2,008 mlibrary1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mlibrary1ic.jpg Artists' Books 墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:Artists' Books default Artists' Books are books in the form of art objects or art objects in the form of books. They may look more like a codices (bound books) that employ elements from the visual arts, or they may appear more like visual works of art that borrow the vocabulary of books, such as text or pages. Artists make use of many different techniques and forms in creating these books, and most artists' books are produced in limited editions. The Art, Architecture & Engineering Library (AAEL) Special Collections has a growing collection of artists' books in its holdings. These books are available to anyone. Although some of the AAEL's artists' books circulate, the ones featured in this database require more careful handling and are only available for viewing on-site in Special Collections. Digital Library Production Service Arts 番羽土墙 Public 跟四不像老师走一段麋鹿之旅_艺文志_中国环境:2021-8-12 · 2月23日,旧忠桥南,这个微风拂面的午后,络绎到来的“青睐”会员和已经在此等候的麋鹿苑宋苑部长像老朋友似的说笑间已集合齐整。各式座驾组成的车队在宋部长的带领下,打着双闪,一字长蛇阵开拔,在公路上拐进一段颠簸土路,再穿过一条狭长的林荫路,路转尽头忽见一道旧式的绿色铁栅栏 ... N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mlibrary1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mlibrary1ic?page=collinfo Art / Art History,University of Michigan Collections Art / Art History;University of Michigan Collections art-ic;um-ic 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有
Collection Bentley Image Bank, Bentley Historical Library Bentley Image Bank, Bentley Historical Library B /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl.jpg 32,715 32,706 bhl /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl.jpg 安徽省道德模范宣传推选候选人公示_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-5-6 · 经属地推荐、系统推荐、群众推荐和专家初评,省道德模范宣传推选活动组委会确定了72组省道德模范候选人。按照工作程序,现将候选人主要事迹材料面向社会进行公示,接受群众和社会监督。 /b/bhl N/A N/A N/A text:Bentley Image Bank 墙软件 The Bentley Image Bank includes over 25,000 digital images scanned from the Bentley Historical Library’s diverse collections of original photographs, maps, paintings, and other documents illustrating the history of the University of Michigan, the city of Ann Arbor, and the State of Michigan. While not a complete repository for every image, it showcases a digitized sampling of the materials available within the Library's holdings. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities;Social Sciences Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;United States History;Education Public 昆明打造国际化便利化法治化营商环境 - yunnan.cn:2021-6-8 · 推门而入,传统的土墙老瓦、碎石铺就的小院、随处可见的不 知名野花,组成了充满彝族民居 味的“墨雨暄”,院内每个细节都 灌注着刘洋的巧思妙想。2021年11月,成都人刘洋在 学生苏智芝推荐下,第一次造访 大墨雨,一来便未离去。这里紧 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl?page=index 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 Architecture,Local History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan History Architecture;Local History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 Architecture;Local History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History
番羽土墙软件 Broadway Park Broadway Park B /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bp1ic.jpg 125 132 bp1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bp1ic.jpg Broadway Park /b/bp1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Broadway Park default The Broadway Park Redesign Project is a partnership of the University of Michigan Arts of Citizenship Program and the City of Ann Arbor Department of Parks and Recreation. The goal of the partnership is to encourage public discussion and proposals concerning the improvement of Broadway Park and the public riverfront of central Ann Arbor. This collection represents the digital media available on the project website. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources Landscape Architecture;Archives and Manuscripts;Places;Photographs and Pictorial Works 墙软件 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bp1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bp1ic?page=index 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ... Local History Local History localhist-ic 墙软件
Collection Brower Fund Collection: Playing Cards Brower Fund Collection: Playing Cards B /lib/colllist/thumbnails/brower1ic.jpg 15 15 番羽土墙 东北网2021年05月27日新闻汇总:主流媒体 龙江门户 Brower Fund Collection: Playing Cards /b/brower1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Brower Fund Collection: Playing Cards 墙软件 昆明打造国际化便利化法治化营商环境 - yunnan.cn:2021-6-8 · 推门而入,传统的土墙老瓦、碎石铺就的小院、随处可见的不 知名野花,组成了充满彝族民居 味的“墨雨暄”,院内每个细节都 灌注着刘洋的巧思妙想。2021年11月,成都人刘洋在 学生苏智芝推荐下,第一次造访 大墨雨,一来便未离去。这里紧 Digital Library Production Service Humanities;International Studies Asian Languages and Cultures;Japanese Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/brower1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/brower1ic?page=index 喜迎首个中国农民丰收节!农业农村部给你当导游,“逛吃攻略 ...:2021-9-15 · 9月23日是农历秋分,亿万农民将第一次迎来属于自己的节日——“中国农民丰收节”。 首个中国农民丰收节 将举办“1+6+N”活动 在农业农村部13日举行的新闻发布会上,农业农村部副部长屈冬玉表示,首届“中国农民丰收节”活动由“1+6+N”组成。 University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection Brut Chronicle Brut Chronicle B /lib/colllist/thumbnails/brut.jpg 1 241 brut /lib/colllist/thumbnails/brut.jpg Brut Chronicle /b/brut N/A N/A N/A 番羽土啬吧 default The celebrated Chronicles of England, or "Brut Chronicle," is the earliest prose chronicle in English and was the most popular history of England in the Middle Ages. The Chronicle traces the history of Britain from its earliest (mythical) time (Albinia), including stories of legendary kings such as Brutus of Troy (hence its name), Lear and Arthur, and is quite detailed for the period starting with the reign of Edward I. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Archives and Manuscripts;English Language and Literature;History (General) Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/brut N/A 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/brut?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection Bulletin - The University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology (images) Bulletin - The University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology (images) B /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bulletinic.jpg 133 132 bulletinic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bulletinic.jpg 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... /b/bulletinic MPublishing N/A N/A text:Bulletin - The University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology (images) default The Bulletin of the University of Michigan Museums of Art and Archaeology featured scholarly articles related to subjects of interest to both UMMA and the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. This database has nearly 200 images from the Bulletin collection. 番羽土啬吧 Arts;General Information Sources;Social Sciences Art History;Art and Design;Journals and Magazines;Archaeology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bulletinic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bulletinic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bulletinic?page=collinfo 墙软件 Miscellaneous misc-ic Miscellaneous
Collection Chinese Papercuts 番羽土墙软件 C /lib/colllist/thumbnails/ccs1ic.jpg 15 15 ccs1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/ccs1ic.jpg Chinese Papercuts /c/ccs1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Chinese Papercuts default The Center for Chinese Studies at the University of Michigan possesses a stunning collection of rare propaganda papercuts from the Cultural Revolution--a period of massive political upheaval in China that began in 1966 and lasted about a decade. The papercuts were scanned and made available as high-resolution digital images in this collection by the University Library Digital Library Production Service (DLPS). Digital Library Production Service 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 Art History;Art and Design;Asian Languages and Cultures;Chinese Studies Public 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/ccs1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/ccs1ic?page=collinfo Art / Art History Art / Art History art-ic Art / Art History
Collection College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (UM-Dearborn) College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (UM-Dearborn) C /lib/colllist/thumbnails/umdvrc1ic.jpg 38,105 37,996 umdvrc1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/umdvrc1ic.jpg College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (UM-Dearborn) /u/umdvrc1ic N/A N/A N/A text:College of Arts, Sciences, and Letters (UM-Dearborn) default 缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。 Digital Library Production Service 国内十大爆美民宿 第一个就惊掉下巴 - huanqiu.com:2021-7-16 · 导语:作为一有空就出去浪的人,恨不得每次休息时都去深山老林,待上两天,吸上两口仙,只为逃离钢筋混凝土城市的烦忧,这个时候美到岔气的民宿或酒店万万不能少,然而如今国内遍地都是民宿,究竟哪家比较好,且听浪象的良心推荐! Architecture;Art History;Photographs and Pictorial Works;Humanities (General) Restricted to UM http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umdvrc1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umdvrc1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umdvrc1ic?page=collinfo Architecture,Art / Art History,Photography,Visual Resources Collections Architecture;番羽土墙软件;Photography;Visual Resources Collections arch-ic;art-ic;photo-ic;vrc-ic 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有
Collection Delta Delta Delta, Iota Chapter Scrapbook Delta Delta Delta, Iota Chapter Scrapbook D /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl7ic.jpg 114 114 bhl7ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl7ic.jpg 喜迎首个中国农民丰收节!农业农村部给你当导游,“逛吃攻略 ...:2021-9-15 · 9月23日是农历秋分,亿万农民将第一次迎来属于自己的节日——“中国农民丰收节”。 首个中国农民丰收节 将举办“1+6+N”活动 在农业农村部13日举行的新闻发布会上,农业农村部副部长屈冬玉表示,首届“中国农民丰收节”活动由“1+6+N”组成。 /b/bhl7ic N/A N/A N/A text:Delta Delta Delta, Iota Chapter Scrapbook default Scrapbook from the Delta Delta Delta sorority at the University of Michigan. The scrapbook was originally created in 1914 by residents of Hilary House (a Women’s League house, a precursor to modern dormitories) as a petition to the national Delta Delta Delta sorority for the formation of a local chapter (Iota) at the university, which was installed in 1915. The volume includes photographs of prospective sorority members and campus facilities as well as supporting documentation. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl7ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl7ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl7ic?page=collinfo Photography,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan History Photography;University of Michigan Collections;番羽土墙 photo-ic;um-ic;umhist-ic Photography;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History
Collection Diversity in the Desert, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan Diversity in the Desert, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan D /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclpapyric.jpg 26 26 sclpapyric /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclpapyric.jpg Diversity in the Desert, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan 墙软件 DLPS N/A N/A text:Diversity in the Desert, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan default This is a collection of over 20 digitized papyri from Egypt and Greece. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities;International Studies Archives and Manuscripts;Classical Studies;Middle Eastern Near Eastern and North African Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclpapyric N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclpapyric?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclpapyric?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center um-ic;umscl-ic 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。
Collection Duderstadt Photograph Archive Duderstadt Photograph Archive D /lib/colllist/thumbnails/dude1ic.jpg 3,878 3,637 番羽土啬吧 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … 番羽土墙 番羽土啬吧 N/A N/A N/A text:Duderstadt Photograph Archive default 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dude1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dude1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dude1ic?page=collinfo Photography,University of Michigan History Photography;University of Michigan History 番羽土墙 Photography;University of Michigan History
Collection Everyday Life in Thailand 番羽土啬吧 E /lib/colllist/thumbnails/lrc1ic.jpg 482 482 lrc1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/lrc1ic.jpg Everyday Life in Thailand /l/lrc1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Everyday Life in Thailand default This collection is designed to supplement the teaching and learning of the Thai language by providing a rich variety of images through which learners may acquire a better understanding of life in Thailand. These images are primarily intended for learners and instructors of the Thai language, but those who are interested in other Southeast Asian languages and related disciplines may find them useful as well. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities;International Studies Photographs and Pictorial Works;Asian Languages and Cultures;Southeast Asian Studies Restricted to UM 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lrc1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lrc1ic?page=collinfo Daily Life Series,Southeast Asia Daily Life Series;Southeast Asia 墙软件 Daily Life Series;Southeast Asia
番羽土啬吧 一年看变化 总书记走过的花茂村如今啥模样?_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-6-21 · 一年看变化 总书记走过的花茂村如今啥模样?,“政策好不好,要看乡亲伔是哭还是笑” 2021年6月16日,习近平总书记来到贵州遵义考察。” 如今 ... Ford Collection, UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology F /lib/colllist/thumbnails/crania1ic.jpg 161 1,353 crania1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/crania1ic.jpg Ford Collection, UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology /c/crania1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Ford Collection, UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology N/A The Ford Collection contains human skulls collected by Dr. Corydon La Ford, M.D., during his time as professor of Anatomy at the University of Michigan Medical School between 1854 and 1890. The collection was transferred to the Museum of Anthropology in 1996 and the Museum has loaned much of it (excluding the Native American crania that fall under the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA) regulations) to the UM Dept. of Anthropology for use in teaching. No Native American skulls are illustrated in this project. Digital Library Production Service Social Sciences Anthropology Public 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。 4年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 针对李群友的实际困难,裕民村通过危房改造项目为他家新建了一套小平房,并将其安排到附近一家养殖场上班。 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/crania1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/crania1ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ... um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... Gilbreath Dixie Highway Scrapbooks G /lib/colllist/thumbnails/scldixie.jpg 12 861 番羽土墙 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/scldixie.jpg 缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。 /s/scldixie N/A N/A N/A text:Gilbreath Dixie Highway Scrapbooks default Scrapbooks and albums of photographs, clippings, brochures, and correspondence related to the development of the Dixie Highway and W.S. Gilbreath's role in its building and promotion. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Photographs and Pictorial Works;American Culture 番羽土啬吧 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... N/A 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/scldixie?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center um-ic;umscl-ic University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Grand Hotel Photograph Series Grand Hotel Photograph Series G /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl8ic.jpg 60 2,206 bhl8ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl8ic.jpg Grand Hotel Photograph Series /b/bhl8ic N/A N/A N/A text:Grand Hotel Photograph Series default The Grand Hotel records comprise documents, photographs, audio and videographic material collected about the hotel by its management. The digitized Photographic Material, circa 1855-2004 series comprises over 2,200 images organized in 5 subseries. Hotel Amenities, Scenery and Unidentified Events comprises images of the hotel, its surroundings, and general unidentified events. The bulk of the images in this subseries are from the mid-20th century through the late 1980s. The Events subseries comprises images of identified events that were held at the hotel, and includes numerous photographs of celebrities and political leaders. People contains images featuring notable personages and staff members, and includes several images of Woodfill and the Musser family. Construction and Remodeling contains almost entirely snapshot images of construction projects that were conducted at the hotel during its off-seasons, mainly during the 1980s. Finally, the Miscellaneous subseries contains images of the recovery work after a room fire at the hotel in 1983, as well as photographic reproductions of several artistic and historical items related to the hotel. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl8ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl8ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl8ic?page=collinfo Photography,University of Michigan Collections Photography;University of Michigan Collections photo-ic;um-ic Photography;University of Michigan Collections
Collection Harper's Weekly Harper's Weekly H /lib/colllist/thumbnails/harpersweeklyic.jpg 1 836 harpersweeklyic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/harpersweeklyic.jpg 番羽土墙 /h/harpersweeklyic N/A N/A N/A text:Harper's Weekly default This collection contains the original page images of the 1865 volume of American magazine Harper's Weekly. Digital Library Production Service Humanities;News & Current Events United States History;Historical News Sources Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/harpersweeklyic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/harpersweeklyic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/harpersweeklyic?page=collinfo Miscellaneous Miscellaneous misc-ic 番羽土墙软件
Collection Historic Buildings of Ann Arbor Historic Buildings of Ann Arbor H /lib/colllist/thumbnails/moaahbic.jpg 209 209 moaahbic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/moaahbic.jpg Historic Buildings of Ann Arbor /m/moaahbic N/A N/A moaaic text:Historic Buildings of Ann Arbor default The Making of Ann Arbor is a public collection of resources on the history and development of the Ann Arbor community, created in collaboration with the Ann Arbor District Library, the Bentley Historical Library, and the University of Michigan's Digital Library Production Service. The Historic Buildings of Ann Arbor collection includes over 200 images and historical information on houses, churches, commercial, and other local buildings in Ann Arbor. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources;Humanities Architecture;Places;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moaahbic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moaahbic?page=index 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... Making of Ann Arbor;University of Michigan History moaaic;umhist-ic Making of Ann Arbor;University of Michigan History
番羽土啬吧 Historic Illustrations of Art and Architecture Historic Illustrations of Art and Architecture H 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … 351 347 hiaaic 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 /h/hiaaic N/A N/A N/A text:Historic Illustrations of Art and Architecture default The historic illustrations included in this project were originally published during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Many originally appeared in publications that predated the widespread use of photography for art documentation. These engravings, line drawings, and plans reflect both the technological and aesthetic standards of their time. These records include full bibliographic information on the sources, which were published between 1879 and 1921. 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 Arts;General Information Sources Architecture;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hiaaic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hiaaic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hiaaic?page=collinfo Architecture,Art / Art History,Visual Resources Collections Architecture;Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections arch-ic;art-ic;vrc-ic Architecture;Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections
Collection History of Art Department, Visual Resources Collections - Simpson Islamic Manuscript Record Archive History of Art Department, Visual Resources Collections - Simpson Islamic Manuscript Record Archive H /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hart3ic.jpg 622 5,451 hart3ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hart3ic.jpg History of Art Department, Visual Resources Collections - Simpson Islamic Manuscript Record Archive /h/hart3ic N/A N/A N/A text:Simpson Islamic Manuscript Record Archive default 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 Digital Library Production Service Arts;Humanities Art History;Art and Design;Asian Languages and Cultures 墙软件 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hart3ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hart3ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hart3ic?page=collinfo Art / Art History,Visual Resources Collections Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections art-ic;vrc-ic Art / Art History;Visual Resources Collections
Collection History of Art, VRC Image Bank History of Art, VRC Image Bank H /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hart.jpg 391,988 111,793 hart /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hart.jpg History of Art, VRC Image Bank /h/hart N/A N/A N/A text:UM, History of Art, VRC default The Department of the History of Art's digital collection consists of images digitized from slides, books, journals, and prints as well as digital images licensed from vendors, original digital photography donated by faculty, and images provided by other University Visual Resources Collections (VRC). In addition to digital images, the HART VRC Images collection includes data records of the Eleanor S. Collins VRC Teaching Collections, namely the 35mm slide collection. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources;Humanities 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 墙软件 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hart N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hart?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hart?page=collinfo Architecture,Art / Art History,Photography,Visual Resources Collections Architecture;Art / Art History;Photography;番羽土啬吧 arch-ic;art-ic;photo-ic;vrc-ic Architecture;Art / Art History;Photography;Visual Resources Collections
Collection Images from Indonesia Images from Indonesia I /lib/colllist/thumbnails/indonesian.jpg 545 545 indonesian /lib/colllist/thumbnails/indonesian.jpg Images from Indonesia 墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:Images from Indonesia 番羽土啬吧 超有趣味的京郊年会包场指南-千龙网·中国首都网 - qianlong.com:2021-12-24 · 青籽树,坐落于400多年古村落——顺利村,设计师将这些宅院的青灰土墙、雕花屋檐完好的保留了下来,墙上的壁画依旧栩栩如生,屋檐瓦当也都还留着当年福禄祥祯的祝愿。 地址:河北省顺平神南镇唐河湾顺利村 院落:共8个院落,含7个两居、1个三居 Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities;International Studies Photographs and Pictorial Works;Asian Languages and Cultures;Southeast Asian Studies 番羽土墙 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/indonesian N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/indonesian?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/indonesian?page=collinfo Daily Life Series,Southeast Asia Daily Life Series;Southeast Asia elsicg;southeastasia-icgr Daily Life Series;Southeast Asia
Collection Japanese Film Materials Japanese Film Materials J /lib/colllist/thumbnails/cjsfilmic.jpg 193 193 cjsfilmic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/cjsfilmic.jpg 墙软件 墙软件 MPublishing http://spo.umdl.umich.edu/ N/A text:Japanese Film Materials, University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies default This collection is a database of digitized Japanese film materials, including leaflets, memos, invoices and the prewar proletarian publication Shinko Eiga. MPublishing Arts;Humanities;International Studies Film and Video Studies;Asian Languages and Cultures;Japanese Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cjsfilmic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cjsfilmic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cjsfilmic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection Jeffrey R. Parsons Archaeological Sites Images Jeffrey R. Parsons Archaeological Sites Images J /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl3ic.jpg 10,276 10,276 bhl3ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl3ic.jpg 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 /b/bhl3ic N/A N/A N/A text:Jeffrey R. Parsons Archaeological Sites Images default The Jeffrey R. Parsons digital images are part of the Jeffrey R. Parsons collection housed at the University of Michigan's Bentley Historical Library. Mr. Parsons generously donated the photographs to the University of Michigan Regents, also assigning the copyright to the Regents. The images document the archaeologist's field work in the Basin of Mexico and in Peru and are part of the collections' visual materials series. These depict terrain survey work, a variety of ceramic work, and multiple archaeological sites Among the locations documented here are Ixtapalapa, Zumpango, Texcoco, Chalco, Xochimilco, Jauja, Huasahuasi, Junin, and Tarma. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Social Sciences Photographs and Pictorial Works;Anthropology;Archaeology Public 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl3ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl3ic?page=collinfo Archaeology,Photography,University of Michigan Collections Archaeology;Photography;University of Michigan Collections archaeol-ic;photo-ic;um-ic Archaeology;Photography;University of Michigan Collections
Collection 番羽土墙软件 Jewish Heritage Collection J /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclharris.jpg 594 439 sclharris /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclharris.jpg Jewish Heritage Collection /s/sclharris N/A N/A N/A text:Jewish Heritage Collection Digital Archive default The University Library and the Frankel Center for Judaic Studies were the joint beneficiaries of a generous gift from Constance and (the late) Theodore Harris of Beverly Hills, California, who in 2003-04 gave an extraordinary collection of some 2,000 items to the University of Michigan. The Jewish Heritage Collection was formed to reflect Jewish life, and it does so in an unusual assemblage of artwork, books, printed ephemera such as pamphlets and postcards, and objects of everyday and religious significance. Digital Library Production Service Humanities;International Studies Classical Studies;Middle Eastern Near Eastern and North African Studies 番羽土啬吧 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclharris N/A 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclharris?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center umscl-ic University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
番羽土啬吧 John James Audubon's Birds of America and Viviparous Quadrupeds John James Audubon's Birds of America and Viviparous Quadrupeds J /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclaudubon.jpg 8 167 sclaudubon /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclaudubon.jpg John James Audubon's Birds of America and Viviparous Quadrupeds /s/sclaudubon N/A N/A N/A text:John James Audubon's Birds of America and Viviparous Quadrupeds default John Audubon published many scientific works in his lifetime, but two are world-renowned for their artistic as well as scientific merit: The Birds of America from Original Drawings (often referred as the “double-elephant folio”; published between 1827 and 1838 in London by Robert Havell Jr.; first work purchased for the University of Michigan Library in 1839) and The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America (often referred to as the “imperial folio”; published between 1845 and 1848 in Philadelphia by J.T. Bowen; purchased jointly by the Special Collections Research Center and the William L. Clements Library in 2014). These Plate volumes are respectively intaglio and lithographic prints, both exquisitely handcolored. Digital Library Production Service Science;General Information Sources Zoology;Physiology;Natural Resources and Environment;Images and Videos Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclaudubon N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclaudubon?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclaudubon?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center 番羽土啬吧 University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Kelsey Museum of Archaeology K /lib/colllist/thumbnails/kelsey.jpg 146,838 23,207 kelsey /lib/colllist/thumbnails/kelsey.jpg Kelsey Museum of Archaeology /k/kelsey N/A N/A N/A text:Kelsey Museum of Archaeology default The Kelsey Museum of Archaeology Artifact Database represents the art and archaeological artifacts of the ancient Mediterranean world and its supporting archival collection, held at the Kelsey Museum at the University of Michigan. Digital Library Production Service Arts;Humanities;Social Sciences 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈_脱贫攻坚_内江频道_四川在线:2021-7-30 · 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈 ——记资中县龙山镇石院村“第一书记”王思旭 王思旭(中)与村干部讨论村中事务 王思旭(左)和廖意讨论果树管护技术 Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kelsey N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kelsey?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kelsey?page=collinfo Archaeology,Art / Art History,Karanis Site Research,University of Michigan Collections Archaeology;Art / Art History;Karanis Site Research;University of Michigan Collections archaeol-ic;art-ic;karanissite_icgroup;um-ic Archaeology;Art / Art History;Karanis Site Research;University of Michigan Collections
Collection Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 K /lib/colllist/thumbnails/kdimg.jpg 2,978 2,978 kdimg /lib/colllist/thumbnails/kdimg.jpg Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary /k/kdimg N/A N/A N/A text:Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary default This resource contains a full-text digitized copy of Knight's American Mechanical Dictionary. Digital Library Production Service Engineering;General Information Sources Industrial and Operations Engineering;Mechanical Engineering;Dictionaries Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kdimg N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kdimg?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/k/kdimg?page=collinfo Miscellaneous Miscellaneous misc-ic Miscellaneous
番羽土墙软件 Labadie Photograph Collection, University of Michigan Labadie Photograph Collection, University of Michigan L 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 三十年坚持扶贫开发与生态建设并重 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝改革开放40年) 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州 ... 1,534 1,524 scl /lib/colllist/thumbnails/scl.jpg Labadie Photograph Collection, University of Michigan /s/scl N/A N/A N/A text:Labadie Photograph Collection, University of Michigan default The images in this database comprise the general photograph holdings of the Labadie Collection. Not included are photographs that make up part of the archival collections. The Joseph A. Labadie Collection is the oldest research collection of radical history in the United States, documenting a wide variety of international social protest movements of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. It is named for anarchist and labor organizer Joseph Antoine Labadie (1850-1933). 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 Business;General Information Sources;Government, Politics & Law;Humanities;Social Sciences Companies and Industry;Photographs and Pictorial Works;Political Science;United States History;Economics Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/scl N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/scl?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/scl?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center 喜迎首个中国农民丰收节!农业农村部给你当导游,“逛吃攻略 ...:2021-9-15 · 9月23日是农历秋分,亿万农民将第一次迎来属于自己的节日——“中国农民丰收节”。 首个中国农民丰收节 将举办“1+6+N”活动 在农业农村部13日举行的新闻发布会上,农业农村部副部长屈冬玉表示,首届“中国农民丰收节”活动由“1+6+N”组成。;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center um-ic;umscl-ic University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection L /lib/colllist/thumbnails/linchigh.jpg 3,035 2,989 linchigh 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection 番羽土墙 N/A N/A N/A text:Lincoln Highway Digital Image Collection default 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … Digital Library Production Service Engineering;General Information Sources 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/linchigh N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/linchigh?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/linchigh?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center 墙软件 University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Medicinal Chemical Structures Medicinal Chemical Structures M 超有趣味的京郊年会包场指南-千龙网·中国首都网 - qianlong.com:2021-12-24 · 青籽树,坐落于400多年古村落——顺利村,设计师将这些宅院的青灰土墙、雕花屋檐完好的保留了下来,墙上的壁画依旧栩栩如生,屋檐瓦当也都还留着当年福禄祥祯的祝愿。 地址:河北省顺平神南镇唐河湾顺利村 院落:共8个院落,含7个两居、1个三居 番羽土墙 番羽土墙软件 medchem1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/medchem1ic.jpg Medicinal Chemical Structures /m/medchem1ic N/A N/A N/A 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 N/A This collection contains the chemical structures of a variety of useful drugs, including virtually all clinically available agents in the United States. The drugs are classified according to their mechanism of action and the records include the generic name and the general classification of each drug. Digital Library Production Service Health Sciences;Science Medicine (General);Chemistry Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/medchem1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/medchem1ic?page=index 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... Miscellaneous Miscellaneous 番羽土啬吧 番羽土墙
Collection Michigan Daily Alumni Photographers Michigan Daily Alumni Photographers M /lib/colllist/thumbnails/midaily1ic.jpg 5,123 5,093 midaily1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/midaily1ic.jpg Michigan Daily Alumni Photographers /m/midaily1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Michigan Daily Alumni Photographers default The Michigan Daily Alumni Photographers Project is a collaborative effort of the University of Michigan Board of Student Publications, The Michigan Daily and Bentley Historical Library to preserve and promote the rich photographic heritage of The Michigan Daily. That heritage provides documentation of the campus, the community, and the wider world and demonstrates the technical skills and aesthetic vision the photographers brought to their assignments. The Bentley Library's Michigan Daily record group includes negatives and prints dating from 1963 to 2004 (bulk 1963-1982) and some digital images for 1995 to 2006. To supplement the Bentley's Michigan Daily collection, the Bentley and the Board of Student Publications have reached out to former Daily photographers who may have personal collections of their work for the Daily, asking if they would consider contributing a selection of their best images for inclusion in the Michigan Daily Alumni Photographers Project. To date Jay Cassidy (1967-1969), Steve Kagan (1970-1973), and Sara Stillman (1995-1998) have contributed to the project. 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 General Information Sources;Humanities 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 Public 喜迎首个中国农民丰收节!农业农村部给你当导游,“逛吃攻略 ...:2021-9-15 · 9月23日是农历秋分,亿万农民将第一次迎来属于自己的节日——“中国农民丰收节”。 首个中国农民丰收节 将举办“1+6+N”活动 在农业农村部13日举行的新闻发布会上,农业农村部副部长屈冬玉表示,首届“中国农民丰收节”活动由“1+6+N”组成。 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/midaily1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/midaily1ic?page=collinfo 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 Local History;Photography;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History localhist-ic;photo-ic;um-ic;umhist-ic Local History;Photography;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History
Collection Michigan Photography Michigan Photography M /lib/colllist/thumbnails/psda1ic.jpg 墙软件 57,426 psda1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/psda1ic.jpg Michigan Photography /p/psda1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Michigan Photography default The Michigan Photography image collection contains photographs of people, places, and events at the University of Michigan dating back to 2000. Michigan Photography is an official unit of the University of Michigan dedicated to documenting the institution’s history through "thoughtful, creative, and consistently excellent photographic images." This online collection represents a curated and well-described selection of the unit’s overall work and have been used in internal and external university publications and were previously available on the Michigan Photography website. Moving forward, the collection will be updated on a regular basis as the unit transfers images to the Bentley Historical Library. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Photographs and Pictorial Works;American Culture Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/psda1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/psda1ic?page=index 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 Local History,Photography,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan History Local History;Photography;University of Michigan Collections;番羽土墙软件 localhist-ic;photo-ic;um-ic;umhist-ic 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有
番羽土墙软件 Michigan Quarterly Review Images 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 M /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mqrimage.jpg 537 505 番羽土墙软件 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mqrimage.jpg Michigan Quarterly Review Images 番羽土墙软件 MPublishing N/A N/A text:Michigan Quarterly Review default Michigan Quarterly Review is the flagship scholarly and literary journal of the University of Michigan. This database has over 400 images from the Michigan Quarterly Review collection. MPublishing General Information Sources;Humanities Photographs and Pictorial Works;American Culture;English Language and Literature;Humanities (General) Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mqrimage N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mqrimage?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mqrimage?page=collinfo Miscellaneous Miscellaneous misc-ic Miscellaneous
Collection Mikhail Bulgakov Digital Collection Mikhail Bulgakov Digital Collection M /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bulgakov1ic.jpg 400 684 墙软件 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … Mikhail Bulgakov Digital Collection /b/bulgakov1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Mikhail Bulgakov Digital Collection default Mikhail Afanas'evich Bulgakov (1985-1940) is considered one of the leading prose, theater, and satire writers of the twentieth century. Born in Kyiv, then part of the Russian Empire and today the capital of Ukraine, Bulgakov spent much of his youth at the family home on the second floor of 13 Andriivs'kyi Descent in the city center and at the family dacha in Bucha (Kyiv Provence). Bulgakov was one of seven children and married three times. He was educated and worked for several years as a medical doctor. In 1921 Bulgakov moved to Moscow and left his medical career in pursuit of writing. Today, Bulgakov is most famous for his satirical critiques of the Soviet Union, his perseverance as a writer through state censorship, and for his fantastical and memorable characters, particularly from his magnum opus, The Master and Margarita (published posthumously in 1966). Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities;International Studies Slavic Languages and Literatures;European Studies;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bulgakov1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bulgakov1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bulgakov1ic?page=collinfo Photography Photography 墙软件 Photography
Collection 东北网2021年03月20日新闻汇总:自嵌式景观挡土墙技术有望打破边坡防治困局 2021-03-20 16:33 [202][东北教育网] 民航东北地区管理局2021年拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:31 [203][东北教育网] 2021年中央直属机关工委拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:29 [204][黑龙江新闻] Miscellaneous, University of Michigan Library M 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 1,954 1,863 misc /lib/colllist/thumbnails/misc.jpg Miscellaneous, University of Michigan Library /m/misc N/A N/A N/A text:Miscellaneous, University of Michigan Library default This is a collection of over one thousand images from various University of Michigan Library projects, including Making of America. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources Photographs and Pictorial Works 番羽土墙 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/misc N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/misc?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/misc?page=collinfo Miscellaneous Miscellaneous misc-ic Miscellaneous
Collection Muriel Webb Treman Photograph Album Muriel Webb Treman Photograph Album M /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl4ic.jpg 97 97 bhl4ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl4ic.jpg Muriel Webb Treman Photograph Album /b/bhl4ic N/A N/A N/A text:Muriel Webb Treman Photograph Album default 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈_脱贫攻坚_内江频道_四川在线:2021-7-30 · 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈 ——记资中县龙山镇石院村“第一书记”王思旭 王思旭(中)与村干部讨论村中事务 王思旭(左)和廖意讨论果树管护技术 Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl4ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl4ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl4ic?page=collinfo Photography,University of Michigan Collections 番羽土墙软件;郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … 番羽土墙 Photography;University of Michigan Collections
Collection Muschenheim Digital Archive Muschenheim Digital Archive M /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl2ic.jpg 3,494 3,479 bhl2ic 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... Muschenheim Digital Archive 番羽土墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:Muschenheim Digital Archive default The William Muschenheim Digital Archive is a searchable database of scans of architectural drawings and photographs from the Muschenheim collections at the Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library at Columbia University and the Bentley Historical Library at the University of Michigan. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources Architecture;Archives and Manuscripts;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public 猫小乐慢着,看看我的无敌黑化照相伒阿衰保证黑得剩影子 ...:2021-10-23 · 猫小乐:慢着,看看我的无敌黑化照相伒?阿衰:保证黑得剩影子!庄库拿起相机正在自拍起来,拍了一个酷酷的姿势,这拍下,那拍下,简直自恋的不要不要的,这拍完还得要好好修一修图呢!你修什么图啊?一个大男人怎么 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl2ic?page=collinfo 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
番羽土墙 Mushi no Utaawase Emaki Mushi no Utaawase Emaki M /lib/colllist/thumbnails/asialibrary1ic.jpg 18 18 asialibrary1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/asialibrary1ic.jpg Mushi no Utaawase Emaki /a/asialibrary1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Mushi no Utaawase Emaki default The Mushi no Utaawase Emaki is a 1722 cm long scroll consisting of 15 panels of text and color paintings. "Mushi" means insects in Japanese language. "Utaawase" is literally "poem match", a kind of competition in which pairs of poems composed by two teams on assigned themes are judged on the basis of their literary merit. "Emaki" is an illustrated text or narrative picture scroll. The Mushi no Utaawase Emaki is a scroll over fifty-six feet in length in which the participants in the competition are depicted as insects. The creator of the scroll is unknown, but we do know that the scroll was created during the Edo period (1600-1868) in Japan, and the accompanying text was probably composed in the first half of the 17th century. The text was written by 木下勝俊, Kinoshita Katsutoshi (1570-1650), who is also known as 木下長嘯子, Kinoshita Chōshōshi. Digital Library Production Service Humanities;International Studies Asian Languages and Cultures;Asian Studies Public 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_新闻_宜宾 ...:2021-3-13 · 四川在线宜宾频道消息(陈刚 王渤涛)“供电惠民助农政策硬是好,免费为我家新房立杆架线送了电!”3月12日,家住四川省宜宾市翠屏区思坡镇玉屏村村民徐全兴看到崭新的电线牵进了家,乐呵呵地说。当日,玉屏村热闹非凡,10余名身著蓝色工装的人员乘着几辆满载工具材料、标有“国家电网”字样 ... N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/asialibrary1ic?page=index 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... University of Michigan Collections 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈_脱贫攻坚_内江频道_四川在线:2021-7-30 · 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈 ——记资中县龙山镇石院村“第一书记”王思旭 王思旭(中)与村干部讨论村中事务 王思旭(左)和廖意讨论果树管护技术 Organs and Churches of Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic O /lib/colllist/thumbnails/organs1ic.jpg 424 421 墙软件 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/organs1ic.jpg Organs and Churches of Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic /o/organs1ic N/A N/A N/A text:Organs and Churches of Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic 番羽土墙软件 This collection contains photographs of historical pipe organs in Hungary, Austria and the Czech Republic. Most of these images have appeared in the book "Sacred Spaces of the Austro-Hungarian Empire," written by Bela and Jan Feher. The book reflects a conscious effort to represent both the church/venue and the organ. The collection is sponsored by the University of Michigan School of Music, Theatre & Dance. 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 Arts;Humanities;International Studies Architecture;Music;Religious Studies;Czech and Slovak Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/o/organs1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/o/organs1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/o/organs1ic?page=collinfo Architecture Architecture arch-ic Architecture
番羽土墙软件 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 环球时事 阿联酋新增553例新冠肺炎确诊病例 累计确诊16793例 日本航空自卫队将于18日成立“宇宙作战队” 泰国大象离乡20年后因疫情“失业”,徒步 ... O /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl6ic.jpg 41 41 bhl6ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl6ic.jpg Orville Z. Frazier Photograph Album /b/bhl6ic N/A N/A N/A 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。 4年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 针对李群友的实际困难,裕民村通过危房改造项目为他家新建了一套小平房,并将其安排到附近一家养殖场上班。 default Orville Zackariah Frazier (1896-1971) was an African American engineer and inventor who lived in Elkhart, Indiana as well as Grand Rapids and River Rouge, Michigan. This digitized album contains photographs and cartes de visite from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries of the Frazier and Burden (his mother's) families, their homes, and acquaintances in Indiana. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources Photographs and Pictorial Works 墙软件 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl6ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl6ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl6ic?page=collinfo Photography,University of Michigan Collections Photography;University of Michigan Collections photo-ic;um-ic Photography;University of Michigan Collections
Collection Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema 番羽土墙软件 O /lib/colllist/thumbnails/cjsozuic.jpg 567 567 cjsozuic 毕节试验区三十年坚持扶贫开发与生态建设并重-中工新闻-中工网:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。4 年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 ... Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema 墙软件 MPublishing 番羽土啬吧 N/A text:Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema, U of M Center for Japanese Studies default This collection contains images from "Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema" by David Bordwell, published by the University of Michigan Center for Japanese Studies. The text is an account of the director Yasujiro Ozu's life and career, analysis of the social context behind his work, and individual critiques of all 55 of his films. MPublishing 东北网2021年03月20日新闻汇总:自嵌式景观挡土墙技术有望打破边坡防治困局 2021-03-20 16:33 [202][东北教育网] 民航东北地区管理局2021年拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:31 [203][东北教育网] 2021年中央直属机关工委拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:29 [204][黑龙江新闻] Film and Video Studies;Asian Languages and Cultures;Japanese Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cjsozuic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cjsozuic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/cjsozuic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
墙软件 Philippine Photographs Digital Archive, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan Philippine Photographs Digital Archive, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan P /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclphilimg.jpg 2,141 2,125 sclphilimg /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclphilimg.jpg Philippine Photographs Digital Archive, Special Collections Research Center, University of Michigan 番羽土墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:Philippine Photographs Digital Archive default 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 policy.mofcom.gov.cn:由于此网站的设置,我伔无法提供该页面的具体描述。 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ... Architecture;Photographs and Pictorial Works;Asian Languages and Cultures;Southeast Asian Studies 墙软件 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclphilimg N/A 缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclphilimg?page=collinfo 毕节试验区,一个生动典型-千龙网·中国首都网 - qianlong.com:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。4 年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 ... Southeast Asia;University of Michigan Collections;实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... Southeast Asia;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Pictorial History of Ann Arbor Pictorial History of Ann Arbor P /lib/colllist/thumbnails/moaa.jpg 412 412 番羽土啬吧 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/moaa.jpg 番羽土啬吧 /m/moaa N/A N/A moaaic text:Pictorial History of Ann Arbor default The Making of Ann Arbor is a public collection of resources on the history and development of the Ann Arbor community, created in collaboration with the Ann Arbor District Library, the Bentley Historical Library, and the University of Michigan's Digital Library Production Service. The Pictorial History of Ann Arbor collection includes over 400 historical images of Ann Arbor from 1824 to 1974, plus searching and browsing access to the text of "The Pictorial History of Ann Arbor, 1824-1974," edited by J. Fraser Cocks, III, c.1974, Michigan Historical Collections, The University of Michigan. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;American Culture;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moaa N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moaa?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/moaa?page=collinfo Making of Ann Arbor,University of Michigan History 墙软件;University of Michigan History moaaic;umhist-ic Making of Ann Arbor;University of Michigan History
Collection Pinback Buttons, Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Pinback Buttons, Labadie Collection, University of Michigan P /lib/colllist/thumbnails/lbc1ic.jpg 1,372 番羽土墙 lbc1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/lbc1ic.jpg 贵州12个村寨被列为第一批全国乡村旅游重点村 它伔为何入选 ...:2021-8-7 · 近日,国家文化和旅游部、国家发展改革委共同遴选推出了第一批全国乡村旅游重点村。全国320个乡村旅游村寨入选,贵州12个村寨榜上有名。 贵州上榜村寨分别是:遵义市播州区枫香镇花茂村、铜仁市江口县太平镇云舍村、黔东南州台江县老屯乡长滩村、六盘水市盘州市淤泥乡岩博村、安顺市平坝区 ... /l/lbc1ic Digital Library Production Service N/A N/A text:Pinback Buttons, Labadie Collection, University of Michigan default The Pinback Buttons (formerly Political Buttons) image database from the Labadie Collection at the University of Michigan consists of nearly 1000 pinback buttons covering the topics of Anarchism, Atheism, Civil Liberties, Colonialism, Communism, Cooperatives, Ecology, Labor, Narcotics, Pacifism, Political Parties, Radical Right, Sexual Freedom, Socialism, Spain, Women, and Youth/Student Protest. The earliest is dated 1907, but the majority are from the 1930s and later. Many are undated. All originals are held in the Joseph A. Labadie Collection. Digital Library Production Service Government, Politics & Law;Social Sciences 番羽土墙软件 番羽土啬吧 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lbc1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lbc1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lbc1ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center um-ic;umscl-ic University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Pioneers of Chinese Dance 番羽土墙软件 P /lib/colllist/thumbnails/dance1ic.jpg 1,512 番羽土墙软件 番羽土啬吧 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/dance1ic.jpg Pioneers of Chinese Dance /d/dance1ic N/A N/A N/A 墙软件 default The Pioneers of Chinese Dance is a digital photograph and oral history collection designed to make the history of twentieth-century Chinese dance accessible to international researchers. The project was started at the University of Michigan Asia Library in 2014, with support from the Center for World Perfomance Studies, the Institute for Research on Women and Gender, and the Lieberthal-Rogel Center for Chinese Studies. It is part of a larger initiative to make the University of Michigan the premier institution for research on Chinese dance in North America. Digital Library Production Service Arts;International Studies Asian Studies;Chinese Studies;Dance;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dance1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dance1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/d/dance1ic?page=collinfo Art / Art History,Photography 番羽土墙;Photography art-ic;photo-ic Art / Art History;Photography
番羽土啬吧 Poetry Here and Then Poetry Here and Then P /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhlpoetry.jpg 288 993 bhlpoetry /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhlpoetry.jpg Poetry Here and Then /b/bhlpoetry N/A N/A N/A text:Poetry Here and Then 番羽土啬吧 A sampling of the papers of Michigan poets from various collections housed at the Bentley Historical Library, featuring handwritten and typed manuscripts, letters and essays as well as photographs, sketches, certificates and other personal items. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Archives and Manuscripts;English Language and Literature Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhlpoetry N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhlpoetry?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhlpoetry?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection Political Posters, Labadie Collection, University of Michigan Political Posters, Labadie Collection, University of Michigan P /lib/colllist/thumbnails/lbc2ic.jpg 2,223 2,267 lbc2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/lbc2ic.jpg Political Posters, Labadie Collection, University of Michigan 墙软件 Digital Library Production Service N/A N/A 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 default The Joseph A. Labadie Collection contains posters which have been acquired over the past 100 years. This database consists of images of those posters covering social protest movements such as Anarchism, Civil Liberties, Colonialism, Communism, Ecology, Labor, Pacifism, Sexual Freedom, Socialism, Women, and Youth/Student Protest. Some are from the first half of the 20th century, but the majority are from the 1960s and later. Many are undated. All originals are held in the Joseph A. Labadie Collection. Digital Library Production Service Government, Politics & Law;Social Sciences Political Science;Sociology Public 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 时光倒退回30年前,这里全然是另一番景象:生活苦——农民人均可支配收入376元,超过一半人口处于绝对贫困状态,人畜混居现象普遍;生态差 ... N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lbc2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lbc2ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan History,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center um-ic;umhist-ic;umscl-ic University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Post Identity Images Post Identity Images P /lib/colllist/thumbnails/postidimage.jpg 55 55 postidimage /lib/colllist/thumbnails/postidimage.jpg 墙软件 /p/postidimage MPublishing N/A N/A text:Post Identity Images 墙软件 Post Identity is an international, fully-refereed journal of the humanities. It features text-based and multi-media scholarship that problematizes the narratives underlying individual, social, and cultural identity formations; that investigates the relationship between identity formations and texts; and that argues how such formations can be challenged. This site provides access to images from Post Identity. MPublishing General Information Sources;Humanities;Social Sciences Journals and Magazines;Photographs and Pictorial Works;General and Comparative Literature;Sociology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/postidimage N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/postidimage?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/p/postidimage?page=collinfo Miscellaneous Miscellaneous misc-ic Miscellaneous
Collection Robert C. Metcalf Architectural Drawings and Visual Materials Robert C. Metcalf Architectural Drawings and Visual Materials R /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl5ic.jpg 437 11,068 番羽土啬吧 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl5ic.jpg Robert C. Metcalf Architectural Drawings and Visual Materials 番羽土啬吧 N/A N/A N/A text:Robert C. Metcalf Architectural Drawings and Visual Materials default Robert Metcalf was a noted Michigan-based modern architect and former Professor and later Dean of the University of Michigan College of Architecture and Urban Planning. Metcalf's work includes over 150 buildings in Michigan and Ohio. The material in this collection spans the years 1942 to 2017 and represents many of Metcalf’s most prominent works (including his personal residence). Digital Library Production Service Engineering;General Information Sources Architecture;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl5ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl5ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl5ic?page=collinfo Architecture,Photography,University of Michigan Collections Architecture;Photography;University of Michigan Collections 墙软件 Architecture;Photography;University of Michigan Collections
Collection Saline Area Historical Photos Saline Area Historical Photos S /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sdlphotos.jpg 番羽土墙 1,035 墙软件 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sdlphotos.jpg Saline Area Historical Photos /s/sdlphotos N/A N/A N/A text:Saline Area Historical Photos 番羽土墙软件 This is a searchable collection of over 700 photographs of Saline, Michigan. This collection covers a time span of more than 100 years, from the 1860s to the late 1900s, and includes images of historic homes, buildings, people, and other subjects. edu.youth.cn:2021-10-6 · 视频类 图片类 文字类 学校名称 团队名称 安徽材料工程学校 安徽材料工程学校彩虹人生实践服务团 安徽财经大学 “爱无止境,智慧先行”暑期调研团 General Information Sources;Humanities Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;American Culture;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlphotos N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlphotos?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlphotos?page=collinfo 墙软件 Local History localhist-ic Local History
Collection Saline Historic Homes Saline Historic Homes S /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sdlhomes.jpg 344 416 番羽土墙软件 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sdlhomes.jpg Saline Historic Homes /s/sdlhomes N/A N/A N/A text:Saline Historic Homes default Saline Historic Homes is a collection of photographs from a Historical and Architectural Survey that includes all structures built up to 1944 within the city limits of Saline, Michigan. Conducted in 1994 by Kosky and Glynn Associates, this survey is the result of the City's intent to comply with the Certified Local Government requirements. The objective of the survey was to research, photograph and map all structures built within the City of Saline between 1829 and 1944. The completed project includes a survey card and black and white photograph for each structure, a map of all surveyed structures, and historical and architectural text encompassing the study period. Digital Library Production Service 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;American Culture;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlhomes N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlhomes?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlhomes?page=collinfo Local History Local History localhist-ic Local History
Collection Saline Valley Farms Photographs Saline Valley Farms Photographs S /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sdlsvf.jpg 150 150 sdlsvf /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sdlsvf.jpg Saline Valley Farms Photographs /s/sdlsvf N/A N/A N/A text:Saline Valley Farms Photos default This is a searchable collection of Saline Valley Farms photographs. Saline Valley Farms was an economic experiment in cooperative living and farming that was developed by Harold Gray in 1932. Detailed in the 150 photographs, the farm was a thriving cooperative that lasted until 1953. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;American Culture;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlsvf N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlsvf?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sdlsvf?page=collinfo Local History Local History localhist-ic Local History
Collection Shenute, a White Monastery Codex Shenute, a White Monastery Codex S /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclshenute.jpg 20 40 sclshenute /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclshenute.jpg Shenute, a White Monastery Codex /s/sclshenute N/A N/A N/A text:Shenute of Atripe (ca. 348-465), 20 Parchment Leaves default 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … Digital Library Production Service Humanities;International Studies;Social Sciences 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclshenute N/A 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclshenute?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center um-ic;umscl-ic University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Southeast Asia Art Foundation Archive Southeast Asia Art Foundation Archive S /lib/colllist/thumbnails/saaf.jpg 14,342 1,072 saaf /lib/colllist/thumbnails/saaf.jpg Southeast Asia Art Foundation Archive /s/saaf N/A N/A N/A text:Southeast Asia Art Foundation Archive default The SAAF (Southeast Asia Art Foundation) Archive is one of five component sections of the Asian Art Archives. The SAAF is comprised of approximately 100,000 photographs and slides, of which over 300 are digitally represented in this resource. Digital Library Production Service Arts;Humanities;International Studies Architecture;Art History;Asian Languages and Cultures;Southeast Asian Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/saaf N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/saaf?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/saaf?page=collinfo Art / Art History,Southeast Asia,Visual Resources Collections Art / Art History;Southeast Asia;Visual Resources Collections art-ic;southeastasia-icgr;vrc-ic Art / Art History;Southeast Asia;Visual Resources Collections
番羽土墙软件 Special Collections Research Center Image Bank Special Collections Research Center Image Bank S /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclib.jpg 101 206 sclib /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sclib.jpg Special Collections Research Center Image Bank /s/sclib N/A N/A N/A text:Special Collections Research Center Image Bank default The Special Collections Research Center Image Bank is a repository intended to capture the digitized images of Special Collections materials in the public domain created for incidental requests — such as those from patrons or from curatorial staff for outreach initiatives. The Image Bank is a phased project that will allow the Special Collections Research Center to quickly locate previously scanned images and keep typically fragile materials from being handled more than necessary, to make public-domain images freely available to increase discoverability, and to potentially leverage accumulated images into new Digital Collections, Exhibits, or other Outreach opportunities. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Archives and Manuscripts;History (General) Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclib N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sclib?page=index 副刊 - yunnan.cn:2021-3-19 · 副刊 A16 2021年3月19日 星期一 / 主编 宋蕾 责编 张翔武 美编 石洋 校对 周琳 世人知道天下第二泉,更多的还是因了 阿炳的《二泉映月》,这曲子上世纪50年伕一 经传出,即享誉世界,被认为是中国20世纪 的音乐经典,日本著名指挥家小泽征尔称《二 University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center University of Michigan Collections;实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … um-ic;umscl-ic University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Special Collections Research Center
Collection Students on Site Students on Site S /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sos.jpg 286 326 sos /lib/colllist/thumbnails/sos.jpg 番羽土墙软件 /s/sos N/A N/A N/A text:Students on Site default Students on Site is designed to use local history and geography as a site of innovative teaching and learning for students and teachers at all three education levels. This archive is a collection of historical and contemporary materials such as maps, photographs, personal letters, and government records. 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ... General Information Sources;Humanities Archives and Manuscripts;Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;American Culture;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sos N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sos?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/s/sos?page=collinfo Local History Local History localhist-ic Local History
Collection The Detroit Jewish News Archive 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 环球时事 阿联酋新增553例新冠肺炎确诊病例 累计确诊16793例 日本航空自卫队将于18日成立“宇宙作战队” 泰国大象离乡20年后因疫情“失业”,徒步 ... T /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl_djnews.jpg 337531 1337548 bhl_djnews /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl_djnews.jpg The Detroit Jewish News Archive 墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:The Detroit Jewish News Archive N/A Established in 1942 by noted journalist Philip Slomovitz, the independent Detroit Jewish News is one of America’s leading Anglo—Jewish media outlets and the primary information source for the Detroit metropolitan area’s Jewish community. It strives to reflect the diverse views within the community while advocating positions of Jewish unity and continuity. Digital Library Production Service 番羽土墙软件 Historical News Sources;Michigan News Public http://digital.bentley.umich.edu/djnews N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl_djnews?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl_djnews?page=collinfo Local History,Newspapers Local History;Newspapers localhist-ic;newspapers 番羽土啬吧
Collection The Michigan Citizen Digital Archives The Michigan Citizen Digital Archives T /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl_micitizen.jpg 15385 番羽土墙 bhl_micitizen /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl_micitizen.jpg The Michigan Citizen Digital Archives 番羽土墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:The Michigan Citizen Archive N/A The Michigan Citizen newspaper, originally called the Citizen, was founded in Benton Harbor, Michigan in 1978 by Charles and Teresa Maxwell-Kelly. It was a weekly publication, distributed on Sundays from November 1978 until December 2014. Since its beginning, the paper maintained a strong pro-community, progressive editorial stance, and was directed toward Michigan's African American and progressive-minded community. The Kelly's experiences as community organizers provided the newspaper's editorial focus. Founded on the belief that people made good decisions if armed with good information, the paper attempted to provide voice to the views of ordinary citizens in a city where African Americans were the majority. From its beginning, the paper was often considered by some to be controversial, insisting on holding elected officials accountable for their actions and providing sole coverage of grassroots groups and movements. 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... News & Current Events 朱子范与《石牌中山大学校赋》_文化中国__中国青年网 ...:2021-6-14 · 油画《民国中山大学石牌校区》 曹讚/画 朱子范的书法 《石牌中山大学校赋》刊登在1934年出版《国风》杂志上 董 究 日前《羊城沧桑》刊载《民国广州“大学城”》一文,对中大石牌校区的建设描述详细,读后颇有裨益。 墙软件 http://digital.bentley.umich.edu/micitizen N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl_micitizen?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl_micitizen?page=collinfo Local History,Newspapers Local History;Newspapers localhist-ic;newspapers Local History;Newspapers
Collection The Michigan Daily Digital Archives 昆明打造国际化便利化法治化营商环境 - yunnan.cn:2021-6-8 · 推门而入,传统的土墙老瓦、碎石铺就的小院、随处可见的不 知名野花,组成了充满彝族民居 味的“墨雨暄”,院内每个细节都 灌注着刘洋的巧思妙想。2021年11月,成都人刘洋在 学生苏智芝推荐下,第一次造访 大墨雨,一来便未离去。这里紧 T /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl_midaily.jpg 232862 835877 墙软件 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/bhl_midaily.jpg 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... 番羽土啬吧 N/A N/A N/A text:The Michigan Daily Digital Archives N/A The Michigan Daily was founded in 1890 as a student-run organization, both financially and editorially independent from the University of Michigan. Three characteristics - editorial independence, daily publication, and broad ambition - have combined to make The Michigan Daily one of the most important university-based newspapers in American history. This archive, therefore, contains not only the record of day-to-day life and opinions of students, faculty, staff, and alumni for 125 years, but also an unparalleled window into the social and political history of 20th-century America. The archive contains every extant issue of The Daily, from its founding to 2014 - more than 300 volumes and almost 200,000 pages in print. It will be updated annually. Digital Library Production Service News & Current Events Historical News Sources;Michigan News 番羽土啬吧 http://digital.bentley.umich.edu/midaily N/A 朱子范与《石牌中山大学校赋》_文化中国__中国青年网 ...:2021-6-14 · 油画《民国中山大学石牌校区》 曹讚/画 朱子范的书法 《石牌中山大学校赋》刊登在1934年出版《国风》杂志上 董 究 日前《羊城沧桑》刊载《民国广州“大学城”》一文,对中大石牌校区的建设描述详细,读后颇有裨益。 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bhl_midaily?page=collinfo Local History,Newspapers Local History;Newspapers localhist-ic;newspapers Local History;Newspapers
Collection Trans-Asia Photography Review Images Trans-Asia Photography Review Images T /lib/colllist/thumbnails/tapic.jpg 2,073 2,073 tapic 齐鲁晚报:2021-1-31 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准众及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ... Trans-Asia Photography Review Images /t/tapic MPublishing N/A N/A graphic:tap-review-banner.jpg 番羽土墙软件 The Trans-Asia Photography Review is a new international refereed journal devoted to the discussion of historic and contemporary photography from Asia. Online and free of charge, it is published by Hampshire College in collaboration with the University of Michigan Scholarly Publishing Office. This resource contains photographs from the journal. MPublishing Arts;General Information Sources;International Studies;Humanities Art and Design;Photographs and Pictorial Works;Journals and Magazines;Asian Studies;Asian Languages and Cultures Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tapic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tapic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tapic?page=collinfo Miscellaneous Miscellaneous misc-ic 番羽土啬吧
番羽土墙 Turkish Life in Pictures Turkish Life in Pictures T /lib/colllist/thumbnails/tlpic.jpg 230 230 tlpic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/tlpic.jpg Turkish Life in Pictures /t/tlpic N/A N/A N/A text:Turkish Life in Pictures default The University of Michigan Turkish Life in Pictures (TULIP) image database is designed to supplement the teaching and learning of the Turkish language by providing a variety of images through which learners may acquire a better understanding of life in Turkey. These images are primarily intended for learners and instructors of the Turkish language. Therefore certain linguistic aspects have been deliberately emphasized in the selection of images and the captions. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;International Studies Photographs and Pictorial Works;Southeast European Studies;Middle Eastern Near Eastern and North African Studies Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tlpic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tlpic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/t/tlpic?page=collinfo 番羽土墙软件 Daily Life Series elsicg Daily Life Series
Collection 番羽土啬吧 UM Clark Library Maps U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/clark1ic.jpg 1,051 1,631 clark1ic 毕节试验区三十年坚持扶贫开发与生态建设并重-中工新闻-中工网:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。4 年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 ... UM Clark Library Maps /c/clark1ic N/A N/A N/A text:UM Clark Library Maps default This collection contains images of maps from the Stephen S. Clark Library for Maps, Government Information and Data Services' map collection at the University of Michigan Libraries. The images in this collection are in the public domain but please attribute access and use of these digitized maps to the Stephen S. Clark Library, University of Michigan Libraries. The print map collection from which these maps originate contains over 370,000 maps and is the principal collection for cartographic materials at the University of Michigan. We house the largest collection of printed maps in the state of Michigan, and one of the largest at an academic institution. Digital Library Production Service Social Sciences Geography and Maps Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/c/clark1ic?page=collinfo 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈_脱贫攻坚_内江频道_四川在线:2021-7-30 · 只要没脱贫,就一刻都不能松懈 ——记资中县龙山镇石院村“第一书记”王思旭 王思旭(中)与村干部讨论村中事务 王思旭(左)和廖意讨论果树管护技术 University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection UM History 265 Paintings UM History 265 Paintings U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hist265painting.jpg 70 64 hist265painting /lib/colllist/thumbnails/hist265painting.jpg UM History 265 Paintings /h/hist265painting N/A N/A N/A text:UM History 265 Paintings default This collection of over sixty images of historic paintings from the University of Michigan campus was created by Rafal Farjo and fellow students in the UM History 265 course, spring term 2001. The course was taught by Professors N.H. Steneck and M.L. Steneck. Digital Library Production Service Arts;Humanities Art History;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hist265painting N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hist265painting?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/hist265painting?page=collinfo Local History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan History Local History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History localhist-ic;um-ic;umhist-ic Local History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History
Collection UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/anthro1ic.jpg 33,665 墙软件 anthro1ic 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology /a/anthro1ic N/A N/A N/A text:UM Museum of Anthropological Archaeology default 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Social Sciences Photographs and Pictorial Works;Anthropology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/anthro1ic N/A 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/anthro1ic?page=collinfo Archaeology,University of Michigan Collections Archaeology;University of Michigan Collections archaeol-ic;um-ic 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。
Collection UM-Dearborn Newsletter Photos UM-Dearborn Newsletter Photos U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/umdphotos1ic.jpg 1,091 1,088 umdphotos1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/umdphotos1ic.jpg UM-Dearborn Newsletter Photos 墙软件 Digital Library Production Service N/A N/A text:UM-Dearborn Newsletter Photos default These photographs are from the collection of the Office of Communications & Marketing, formerly the Office of University Relations, in the University of Michigan-Dearborn Archives. They were taken for The Reporter, the staff and faculty newsletter. The images date from the mid-1960s to the early 1990s. The Reporter is a continuing publication, which has been online-only since late 2010. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;News & Current Events Photographs and Pictorial Works;Academic and Specialized News 墙软件 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umdphotos1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/u/umdphotos1ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan History University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History 番羽土墙 University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan History
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Algae Type Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Algae Type Collection U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/herb6ic.jpg 905 585 番羽土啬吧 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/herb6ic.jpg 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... /h/herb6ic N/A N/A herb-ic text:Algae Type Collection default This collection contains specimen data and digital images of nearly 900 type specimens of algae from the University of Michigan Herbarium. These specimens are particularly valuable, since they are ones that are specifically designated to represent the scientific name of an organism whenever an author describes and publishes a new species or other rank. Digital Library Production Service Science Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb6ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb6ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb6ic?page=collinfo 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ... University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections herb-ic;nathist;um-ic University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Bryophyte Type Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Bryophyte Type Collection U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif 1,861 番羽土啬吧 herb3ic 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 University of Michigan Herbarium Bryophyte Type Collection /h/herb3ic N/A N/A herb-ic text:Bryophyte Type Collection default This collection contains specimen data of the nearly 1800 "type specimens" of bryophytes at the University of Michigan Herbarium. These specimens are particularly valuable, since they are ones that are specifically designated to represent the scientific name of an organism whenever an author describes and publishes a new species or other rank. Digital Library Production Service 番羽土啬吧 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb3ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb3ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb3ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Herbarium,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 herb-ic;nathist;um-ic 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Catalog Collection 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/herb00ic.jpg 965,695 489,141 herb00ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/herb00ic.jpg University of Michigan Herbarium Catalog Collection /h/herb00ic N/A N/A herb-ic text:University of Michigan Herbarium Catalog Collection 墙软件 The University of Michigan Herbarium (MICH) includes approximately 1.75 million specimens of vascular plants [ferns, gymnosperms, and flowering plants (~1.1 million)], algae (96,000), bryophytes (163,000), fungi (~280,000), and lichens (57,000). Herbarium MICH is known worldwide for the teaching and research conducted here in systematic botany and biodiversity studies and serves as a resource for the wider botanical community. The depth and breadth of our collection often enables us to provide assistance available nowhere else. Digital Library Production Service Science Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb00ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb00ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb00ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Herbarium,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections herb-ic;nathist;um-ic University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
Collection 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 守着一座土墙房和几分苞米地,织金县三甲街道裕民村村民李群友,一人拉扯两个孩子,日子过得紧巴巴。 4年前,村里将他纳入建档立卡贫困户。 针对李群友的实际困难,裕民村通过危房改造项目为他家新建了一套小平房,并将其安排到附近一家养殖场上班。 University of Michigan Herbarium Fungus Collection Database U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/herb5ic.jpg 71,282 4,633 herb5ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/herb5ic.jpg University of Michigan Herbarium Fungus Collection Database /h/herb5ic N/A N/A herb-ic text:Fungus Collection Database default This collection contains catalog records, some accompanied by digital images, exported from the Fungus Collection's specimen collection. It contains more than 60,000 records with collection dates ranging from the 1860's to the present. edu.youth.cn:2021-10-6 · 视频类 图片类 文字类 学校名称 团队名称 安徽材料工程学校 安徽材料工程学校彩虹人生实践服务团 安徽财经大学 “爱无止境,智慧先行”暑期调研团 墙软件 Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 番羽土墙软件 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb5ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb5ic?page=collinfo Fungus,University of Michigan - Herbarium,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections fung-ic;herb-ic;nathist;um-ic Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Fungus and Lichen Type Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Fungus and Lichen Type Collection U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif 10,144 番羽土啬吧 herb4ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif University of Michigan Herbarium Fungus and Lichen Type Collection /h/herb4ic N/A N/A herb-ic text:Fungus and Lichen Type Collection default This collection contains specimen data of over 10,000 "type specimens" of fungi and lichens at the University of Michigan Herbarium. These specimens are particularly valuable, since they are ones that are specifically designated to represent the scientific name of an organism whenever an author describes and publishes a new species or other rank. Digital Library Production Service 番羽土啬吧 Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 番羽土墙 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb4ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb4ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb4ic?page=collinfo Fungus,University of Michigan - Herbarium,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections fung-ic;herb-ic;nathist;um-ic Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium Vascular Plant Type Collection with Specimen Images University of Michigan Herbarium Vascular Plant Type Collection with Specimen Images U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/herb2ic.jpg 10,757 9,124 herb2ic 缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。 University of Michigan Herbarium Vascular Plant Type Collection with Specimen Images /h/herb2ic N/A N/A herb-ic text:Vascular Plant Type Collection with Specimen Images default This digital collection contains specimen data and digital images of the nearly 10,000 "type specimens" of vascular plants at the University of Michigan Herbarium. These specimens are particularly valuable, since they are ones that are specifically designated to represent the scientific name of an organism whenever an author describes and publishes a new species or other rank. Digital Library Production Service Science Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/h/herb2ic?page=collinfo 跟四不像老师走一段麋鹿之旅_艺文志_中国环境:2021-8-12 · 2月23日,旧忠桥南,这个微风拂面的午后,络绎到来的“青睐”会员和已经在此等候的麋鹿苑宋苑部长像老朋友似的说笑间已集合齐整。各式座驾组成的车队在宋部长的带领下,打着双闪,一字长蛇阵开拔,在公路上拐进一段颠簸土路,再穿过一条狭长的林荫路,路转尽头忽见一道旧式的绿色铁栅栏 ... University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;历史上造反成功,坐上龙椅的四大反贼,其中不乏千古明君 ...:2021-3-12 · 中国封建时伕人伔信优的是天下非一人之天下,乃人人之天下,所众很多人对于皇位都怀有觊觎之心,许多反贼都是为了那把高高在上的龙椅而起兵造反,但是最后能够坐上龙椅的并不多,有四个人最为出名。历史上造反成功, herb-ic;nathist;um-ic University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium, Fungus Collection Database University of Michigan Herbarium, Fungus Collection Database U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif 24,447 0 fung1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif University of Michigan Herbarium, Fungus Collection Database /f/fung1ic N/A N/A fung-ic 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … default This collection contains catalog records exported from the University of Michigan Herbarium's Fungus Collection's specimens. The database currently contains more than 24,000 records of the estimated 280,000 specimens in the collection, with collection dates ranging from the 1860s to the present. The records include such information as scientific name, common name, type, collector and collection date, and locality. Digital Library Production Service Science Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fung1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fung1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fung1ic?page=collinfo All Great Lakes,Fungus,University of Michigan - Herbarium,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections All Great Lakes;Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections allgl-ic;fung-ic;herb-ic;nathist;um-ic All Great Lakes;Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium, Fungus Image Database University of Michigan Herbarium, Fungus Image Database U 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … 1,132 1,132 fung2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fung2ic.jpg 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … /f/fung2ic N/A N/A 番羽土墙 text:Fungus Image Database default This collection contains photographs of fungi specimens, electron microscope spore photographs, and accompanying data records. These images are also the illustrative plates in the fungus monograph collection. They are searchable as a separate database and are linked from the book pages as well. Digital Library Production Service Science Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 番羽土啬吧 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fung2ic N/A 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 环球时事 阿联酋新增553例新冠肺炎确诊病例 累计确诊16793例 日本航空自卫队将于18日成立“宇宙作战队” 泰国大象离乡20年后因疫情“失业”,徒步 ... http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fung2ic?page=collinfo All Great Lakes,Fungus,University of Michigan - Herbarium,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections All Great Lakes;Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections allgl-ic;fung-ic;herb-ic;nathist;um-ic All Great Lakes;Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
Collection University of Michigan Herbarium, Krieger's Watercolors of Fungi University of Michigan Herbarium, Krieger's Watercolors of Fungi U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fuwatic.jpg 332 365 fuwatic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fuwatic.jpg University of Michigan Herbarium, Krieger's Watercolors of Fungi 番羽土啬吧 N/A N/A fung-ic text:Krieger's Watercolors of Fungi 墙软件 This collection contains images from the Herbarium's Krieger watercolor collection, along with records that describe them. Louis C. C. Krieger was a mycological artist who spent the years from 1918 to 1928 helping Baltimore physician and amateur mycologist Dr. Howard A. Kelly create a private mycological library. The watercolors shown here are from Dr. Kelly's library, which was donated to the University of Michigan in 1928. The database was created for this project, and resides in the library. Digital Library Production Service Science Botany;Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Public 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fuwatic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fuwatic?page=collinfo All Great Lakes,Fungus,University of Michigan - Herbarium,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections All Great Lakes;Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;edu.youth.cn:2021-10-6 · 视频类 图片类 文字类 学校名称 团队名称 安徽材料工程学校 安徽材料工程学校彩虹人生实践服务团 安徽财经大学 “爱无止境,智慧先行”暑期调研团 allgl-ic;fung-ic;herb-ic;nathist;um-ic All Great Lakes;Fungus;University of Michigan - Herbarium;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections
墙软件 University of Michigan Museum of Art University of Michigan Museum of Art U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/musart.jpg 19,743 18,589 musart 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … University of Michigan Museum of Art /m/musart N/A N/A N/A graphic:ummasearch.gif default This collection contains over 16,000 high quality digital images of works in the collections of the University of Michigan Museum of Art. Digital Library Production Service Arts;General Information Sources Art History;Art and Design;Photographs and Pictorial Works Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/musart N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/musart?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/musart?page=collinfo Art / Art History,Photography,University of Michigan Collections Art / Art History;Photography;University of Michigan Collections art-ic;photo-ic;um-ic Art / Art History;Photography;University of Michigan Collections
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Audio Files University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Audio Files U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif 111 109 amph2ic 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 时光倒退回30年前,这里全然是另一番景象:生活苦——农民人均可支配收入376元,超过一半人口处于绝对贫困状态,人畜混居现象普遍;生态差 ... University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Audio Files /a/amph2ic N/A N/A N/A text:UMMZ Amphibian and Reptile Audio Files default The Division of Reptiles and Amphibians maintains a collection that is worldwide in scope. Presently, the research collections contain 197,469 (through catalogue number UMMZ 242,000) catalogued lots representing 433,505 individual specimens. These represent 1,067 genera and 5,323 species of which 13,818 specimens are skeletons. 99.9% of specimens are identified to genus, and 96% of specimens are identified to species. This includes 472 Primary Type specimens (representing 424 taxa) and 5,515 Paratypes (representing 804 taxa). The average growth over the last ten years has been nearly 1500 specimens per year. The auxiliary research collections contain 2,145 radiographs, 7,288 kodachrome slides, and 10,789 frozen tissue samples. All of the above mentioned collections have been inventoried and the data associated with them have been entered into computer databases in Filemaker Pro. A collection of 37 audio tapes containing hundreds of recordings of anuran vocalizations has been digitized and can now be accessed via the Division's webpage, as well as catalogue records and digital images of all primary type specimens. Digital Library Production Service Science Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph2ic?page=collinfo Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 nathist;um-ic;ummzicg Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
番羽土墙 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Catalogue University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Catalogue U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif 197,469 0 amph3ic 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Catalogue /a/amph3ic N/A N/A N/A 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … 番羽土墙软件 跟四不像老师走一段麋鹿之旅_艺文志_中国环境:2021-8-12 · 2月23日,旧忠桥南,这个微风拂面的午后,络绎到来的“青睐”会员和已经在此等候的麋鹿苑宋苑部长像老朋友似的说笑间已集合齐整。各式座驾组成的车队在宋部长的带领下,打着双闪,一字长蛇阵开拔,在公路上拐进一段颠簸土路,再穿过一条狭长的林荫路,路转尽头忽见一道旧式的绿色铁栅栏 ... Digital Library Production Service Science Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology 番羽土墙 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph3ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph3ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph3ic?page=collinfo 东北网2021年03月20日新闻汇总:自嵌式景观挡土墙技术有望打破边坡防治困局 2021-03-20 16:33 [202][东北教育网] 民航东北地区管理局2021年拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:31 [203][东北教育网] 2021年中央直属机关工委拟录用公务员公示 2021-03-20 16:29 [204][黑龙江新闻] Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology nathist;um-ic;ummzicg Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
墙软件 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Type Specimens University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Amphibian and Reptile Type Specimens U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/amph1ic.jpg 410 1,327 amph1ic 东北网2021年05月27日新闻汇总:主流媒体 龙江门户 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... /a/amph1ic N/A N/A N/A text:UMMZ Amphibian and Reptile Type Specimens default The Division of Reptiles and Amphibians maintains a collection that is worldwide in scope. Presently, the research collections contain 197,469 (through catalogue number UMMZ 242,000) catalogued lots representing 433,505 individual specimens. These represent 1,067 genera and 5,323 species of which 13,818 specimens are skeletons. 99.9% of specimens are identified to genus, and 96% of specimens are identified to species. This includes 472 Primary Type specimens (representing 424 taxa) and 5,515 Paratypes (representing 804 taxa). The average growth over the last ten years has been nearly 1500 specimens per year. The auxiliary research collections contain 2,145 radiographs, 7,288 kodachrome slides, and 10,789 frozen tissue samples. All of the above mentioned collections have been inventoried and the data associated with them have been entered into computer databases in Filemaker Pro. A collection of 37 audio tapes containing hundreds of recordings of anuran vocalizations has been digitized and can now be accessed via the Division's webpage, as well as catalogue records and digital images of all primary type specimens. Digital Library Production Service 番羽土墙 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology 番羽土啬吧 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/a/amph1ic?page=collinfo Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology nathist;um-ic;ummzicg Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
番羽土啬吧 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Distribution Maps of Michigan Fishes University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Distribution Maps of Michigan Fishes U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fish4ic.jpg 153 153 fish4ic 毕节试验区,一个生动典型(壮阔东方潮 奋进新时伕——庆祝 ...:2021-8-4 · 夏日,地处乌蒙山腹地的贵州毕节群山苍翠,远山经果林木生机勃勃,近山种植基地热火朝天,山下灰瓦白墙庭院错落,一幅 ... University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Distribution Maps of Michigan Fishes /f/fish4ic N/A N/A 番羽土墙 text:Distribution Maps of Michigan Fishes default This collection contains map images showing the locations in which fish have been recorded in Michigan. The atlas contains separate maps for 153 species. Records are keyed to indicate whether a voucher specimen is available in the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Digital Library Production Service Science;Social Sciences Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology;Geography and Maps 番羽土墙软件 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish4ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish4ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish4ic?page=collinfo All Great Lakes,Fish,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology allgl-ic;fish-ic;nathist;um-ic;ummzicg All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_新闻_宜宾 ...:2021-3-13 · 四川在线宜宾频道消息(陈刚 王渤涛)“供电惠民助农政策硬是好,免费为我家新房立杆架线送了电!”3月12日,家住四川省宜宾市翠屏区思坡镇玉屏村村民徐全兴看到崭新的电线牵进了家,乐呵呵地说。当日,玉屏村热闹非凡,10余名身著蓝色工装的人员乘着几辆满载工具材料、标有“国家电网”字样 ... University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Collection Database U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif 58,435 0 fish1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Collection Database /f/fish1ic N/A N/A fish-ic text:Fish Collection Database default This collection contains catalog records of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology's Fish Division's specimen collection. The database currently contains more than 58,000 records, with collection dates ranging from the 1850s to the present. The records include such information as scientific name, common name, collector and collection date, locality, and preparation type. (Note: some records contain more complete information than others.) Digital Library Production Service Science Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish1ic?page=collinfo 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology allgl-ic;fish-ic;nathist;um-ic;ummzicg All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
番羽土啬吧 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Field Notes U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fish3ic.jpg 2,532 3,181 fish3ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fish3ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Field Notes /f/fish3ic N/A N/A fish-ic text:Fish Field Notes default This collection contains page images of the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology's Fish Division's field notebooks, with accompanying data records. The records include such information as collection date, collection location, species collected, and related information. The database was created for this project, and resides in the library. (Note: some records contain more complete information than others.) Digital Library Production Service Science Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish3ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish3ic?page=index 女子受丈夫虐待20年将其掐死 151名村民联名求情 - huanqiu.com:2021-10-14 · 2021年12月26日凌晨,不堪打骂的许林芳先是用木棍打破了丈夫周德军的头,然后又在打斗中掐死了他。这场杀人事件的奇特之处是,死者的父兄不仅 ... All Great Lakes,Fish,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 … 缺啥补啥 一扶一个准 剑阁精准减贫2.79万人_广元频道_县区 ...:2021-12-13 · 冬日暖阳透过窗户照进猪舍,土墙垒的圈舍里暖烘烘的,分隔的四个小圈栏上挂着“猪只存栏记录卡”,当天喂料情况、温度湿度、防疫杀菌等,都有详细记载。 All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Species Descriptions 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_新闻_宜宾 ...:2021-3-13 · 四川在线宜宾频道消息(陈刚 王渤涛)“供电惠民助农政策硬是好,免费为我家新房立杆架线送了电!”3月12日,家住四川省宜宾市翠屏区思坡镇玉屏村村民徐全兴看到崭新的电线牵进了家,乐呵呵地说。当日,玉屏村热闹非凡,10余名身著蓝色工装的人员乘着几辆满载工具材料、标有“国家电网”字样 ... U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif 211 0 fish5ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blank.gif University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Species Descriptions /f/fish5ic N/A N/A fish-ic text:Fish Species Descriptions default 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_新闻_宜宾 ...:2021-3-13 · 四川在线宜宾频道消息(陈刚 王渤涛)“供电惠民助农政策硬是好,免费为我家新房立杆架线送了电!”3月12日,家住四川省宜宾市翠屏区思坡镇玉屏村村民徐全兴看到崭新的电线牵进了家,乐呵呵地说。当日,玉屏村热闹非凡,10余名身著蓝色工装的人员乘着几辆满载工具材料、标有“国家电网”字样 ... Digital Library Production Service Science Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish5ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish5ic?page=index 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 严守底线民生改善重点民生保障基本民生 江油奏响幸福美丽 ...:2021-1-11 · 改造完成后的罗汉堰 2021年,江油市坚持大手笔谋动、大产业联动、大项目带动、大投入拉动、大活动推动、大党建促动,切实严守低收入群众的“底线民生”、改善群众急盼的“重点民生”、保障惠及全民的“基本民生”,大力提升人民的幸福指数,交出了百姓点赞的民生账本。 番羽土墙;Fish;番羽土墙软件;University of Michigan Collections;edu.youth.cn:2021-10-6 · 视频类 图片类 文字类 学校名称 团队名称 安徽材料工程学校 安徽材料工程学校彩虹人生实践服务团 安徽财经大学 “爱无止境,智慧先行”暑期调研团 allgl-ic;fish-ic;nathist;um-ic;ummzicg All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Specimen Image Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Specimen Image Collection U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fish2ic.jpg 623 623 fish2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/fish2ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Fish Specimen Image Collection /f/fish2ic N/A N/A fish-ic 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … default This collection contains images and descriptions of specimens from the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology's Fish Division representing species found in the Great Lakes region. The database currently contains more than 600 records. The records include such information as scientific name, common name, size, and description. Digital Library Production Service 番羽土墙软件 一年看变化 总书记走过的花茂村如今啥模样?_央广网 - cnr.cn:2021-6-21 · 一年看变化 总书记走过的花茂村如今啥模样?,“政策好不好,要看乡亲伔是哭还是笑” 2021年6月16日,习近平总书记来到贵州遵义考察。” 如今 ... Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/f/fish2ic?page=collinfo All Great Lakes,Fish,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology 墙软件;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology allgl-ic;fish-ic;nathist;um-ic;ummzicg All Great Lakes;Fish;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Herpetology Field Notebooks University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Herpetology Field Notebooks U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/rept2ic.jpg 527 13,239 rept2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/rept2ic.jpg 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … /r/rept2ic N/A N/A N/A text:UMMZ Herpetology Field Notebooks 墙软件 The Herpetology Field Notebooks Collection consists of approximately 286 field notebooks. These notebooks contain information related to the collection of Herpetology specimens held at the University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ). While some of the notebooks are merely logbooks of collections with species identifications for each field number with places and dates, others have much more detailed information including field conditions, habitat notes, specimen descriptions including colors and measurements, as well as detailed maps. Digital Library Production Service Science Zoology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept2ic?page=index 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology ummzicg University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Herpetology Predator and Prey Collection U 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 180 459 rept3ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/rept3ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Herpetology Predator and Prey Collection /r/rept3ic N/A N/A N/A text:UMMZ Herpetology Predator and Prey Collection 墙软件 The University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology’s Division of Reptiles and Amphibians maintains the second largest collection of preserved reptile and amphibian specimens in the world. Of the nearly half million specimens, nearly 40,000 specimens are snakes. Our PhD student, Mike Grundler’s research involves characterizing diets of neotropical colubrid snakes through the dissection of fluid-preserved snake specimens in the UMMZ herpetology collection. During his work at the Research Museum Center, well over 500 specimens were dissected to recover nearly 200 prey items. Documenting these predators and prey items with high resolution photography is part of Mike’s ongoing research characterizing ecological patterns in the evolution of neotropical snake diets. Many of the dissections made proved fruitful in this respect by yielding further data on poorly known snake diets. At present, there are 459 images of snake predators (over 100 species) and their prey. The museum vouchers for these images are curated in our research collections. 齐鲁晚报:2021-12-19 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准众及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ... 番羽土啬吧 番羽土墙 Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept3ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept3ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept3ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology 番羽土墙软件 University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Herpetology Radiographs University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Herpetology Radiographs U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/rept1ic.jpg 7,774 15,503 rept1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/rept1ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Herpetology Radiographs /r/rept1ic N/A N/A N/A text:UMMZ Herpetology Radiographs default The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Division of Reptiles and Amphibians, presently maintains a collection of radiograph film plates (some with images of caecilians). In order to make these more accessible for research, they are digitizing the film plates and associating them with diagrams of the individual specimens. Approximately 40% of the caecilian specimens are catalogued at UMMZ, while the rest exist in museum collections worldwide. They have borrowed research material from other museum collections with permission to digitize their radiographs. By sharing this collection of digital images associated with the diagrams of the individual specimens, this should be of great value to other museum collections in their efforts. Digital Library Production Service Science Zoology 番羽土墙 http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/r/rept1ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology ummzicg 郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 …
墙软件 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 东北网2021年05月27日新闻汇总:主流媒体 龙江门户 U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/insect2ic.jpg 319,019 18,706 insect2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/insect2ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Insect Division Collection /i/insect2ic N/A N/A N/A text:UMMZ Insect Division Collection default 侠客岛:四川不仅有美食美景 还蕴藏无穷的发展后劲_视点 ...:2021-9-6 · 在宜宾市屏山县五峰村,其他贫困户都已搬进新房三个月了,而罗泽海却还住在土墙 倾斜的老屋里,原因在于他被“歇帮”了。 “歇帮”是什么?就是针对脱贫不积极、违法乱纪的贫困户,暂停所有帮扶的惩戒性措施。去年10月,村里就曾催他 ... Digital Library Production Service 番羽土墙 番羽土墙 Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/insect2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/insect2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/insect2ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology 墙软件 University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Insect Field Notebooks University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Insect Field Notebooks U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/insect1ic.jpg 448 27,387 insect1ic 喜迎首个中国农民丰收节!农业农村部给你当导游,“逛吃攻略 ...:2021-9-15 · 9月23日是农历秋分,亿万农民将第一次迎来属于自己的节日——“中国农民丰收节”。 首个中国农民丰收节 将举办“1+6+N”活动 在农业农村部13日举行的新闻发布会上,农业农村部副部长屈冬玉表示,首届“中国农民丰收节”活动由“1+6+N”组成。 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Insect Field Notebooks 番羽土墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:UMMZ Insect Field Notebooks default The Museum of Zoology has maintained collections for over 100 years, and the earliest of our collections in the Insect Division that are documented with field notes is the 1908 expedition to Huron County, Michigan. Subsequent UMMZ curators and staff kept notes of their field activities, with the activities of Theodore H. Hubbell comprising a majority of the records. At minimum, the field notes represent a listing of places visited where specimens were obtained. Those records often have additional information that is not contained on a specimen label, and a well-documented expedition often has information on vegetation, land features, weather, associated species, and may also contain photographs and maps of the collecting events. Digital Library Production Service Science Zoology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/insect1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/insect1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/i/insect1ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology ummzicg University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Collection Database with Specimen Images University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Collection Database with Specimen Images U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mam1ic.jpg 番羽土啬吧 5,517 mam1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mam1ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Collection Database with Specimen Images 番羽土墙软件 N/A N/A mam-ic text:Mammal Collection Database with Specimen Images default 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 Digital Library Production Service Science 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 Public 实现七有一低嘉陵103个贫困村今年出列_区县动态_南充频道 ...:2021-8-23 · 自开展脱贫攻坚工作众来,嘉陵区按照贫困村脱贫“七有一低”标准,大力实施村道硬化、安全饮用水、生产生活用电等基础设施建设,众及村文化室、卫生室、宽带网络等公共服务设施建设,并大力 … N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mam1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mam1ic?page=collinfo All Great Lakes,Mammal,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology All Great Lakes;Mammal;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology allgl-ic;mam-ic;nathist;um-ic;ummzicg All Great Lakes;Mammal;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
番羽土墙 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Field Notes University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Field Notes U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mam3ic.jpg 6,035 3,739 mam3ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mam3ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Field Notes /m/mam3ic N/A N/A mam-ic text:Mammal Field Notes default This collection contains page images of the University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division's field notebooks, with accompanying data records. The records include such information as collection date, collection location, species collected, and related information. 生活日报:2021-8-25 · 所众我祖父就没有留下别的任何东西。”“我曾祖母一看事情不对,就把祖父留下的照片用纸包了起来,那个土墙有个洞嘛,塞到里面,然后外面就糊住了。” 新中国成立后,毛泽东同志亲自指示收集王尽美同志遗物的时候,这张藏了20多年的照片才被取出来。 番羽土啬吧 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mam3ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mam3ic?page=index 丰都大溪村:贫困村蝶变美丽乡村-通讯员-华龙网 - CQNEWS:2021-10-15 · 近年来,重庆市丰都县虎威镇大溪村从改善基础设施着手,破解发展瓶颈,先后实施了通村通畅、人行便道硬化、山坪塘整治等一大批扶贫项目 ... All Great Lakes,Mammal,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology All Great Lakes;Mammal;Natural History;郫都区30宗试点集体经营性建设用地入市 让村民乐 ...-四川在线:2021-10-16 · 四川在线消息(赵 蕾 王冬银 记者 丁宁)9月1日,四川省成都市郫都区农科村一社的党团活动室里人头攒动,66户村民伕表齐聚这里,用举手表决的方式为一块面积为1.1亩的集体经营性建设用地招选“上 …;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology 新房亮了 国网宜宾江北供电公司让光棍兄弟笑起来_江安县 ...:2021-3-13 · 相依为命长大成人,但因为贫穷,至今未安家仍打单身。特别是近年来,几十年的土墙 老房年久失修,垮了一间又一间,居无定所,让人着急。年前,在当地政府精准扶贫的政策帮扶下,兄弟俩危房易地搬迁建起了50平方米的新房。新房距公路边 ... All Great Lakes;Mammal;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Maps University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Maps U /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mam2ic.jpg 73 146 mam2ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/mam2ic.jpg University of Michigan Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division Maps 番羽土墙软件 N/A N/A 番羽土啬吧 text:Mammal Maps default This collection includes page images and brief data records of a scrapbook housed in the University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology, Mammal Division comprised of maps of the state of Michigan, keyed to anecdotal reports of species in the state over time (primarily from the 19th and early 20th centuries). It is believed to have been created by N. A. Wood. Digital Library Production Service Science;Social Sciences Ecology and Evolutionary Biology;Zoology;Geography and Maps Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mam2ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mam2ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/m/mam2ic?page=collinfo All Great Lakes,Mammal,Natural History,University of Michigan Collections,University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology All Great Lakes;番羽土墙软件;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology allgl-ic;mam-ic;nathist;um-ic;ummzicg All Great Lakes;Mammal;Natural History;University of Michigan Collections;University of Michigan - Museum of Zoology
Collection William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience (images) William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience (images) W /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blakeic.jpg 1 54 番羽土墙软件 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/blakeic.jpg William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience (images) 墙软件 N/A N/A N/A text:William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience 番羽土墙 This resource contains images from William Blake's Songs of Innocence and of Experience. It accompanies the online transcription. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Archives and Manuscripts;English Language and Literature Public 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/blakeic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/b/blakeic?page=collinfo Miscellaneous Miscellaneous misc-ic Miscellaneous
Collection 塔里木之春:2021-4-4 · 时光定格在灰尘土墙间、蛛网交错里。而村里祠堂上的鹞 鹰,站在屋檐高处,看村前胡家与村尾钱家的上百年琐事,望 远山、溪流的变迁。扫墓前先吃午饭,舅爷爷在八仙桌前围了一圈凳子,桌 上摆满了舅奶奶的自豪之作:“这是上一年刚收的笋干,还有 William L. Clements Library Image Bank W /lib/colllist/thumbnails/wcl1ic.jpg 8,971 9,016 wcl1ic /lib/colllist/thumbnails/wcl1ic.jpg William L. Clements Library Image Bank /w/wcl1ic N/A N/A N/A 邻水:砥砺奋进促脱贫铿锵足音奏华章_区县_广安频道_四川在线:2021-9-30 · ”程翠兰一边洗菜,一边告诉记者,众前,她家6口人住在上世纪五六十年伕修建的土墙房里,由于年伕久远,房子早已成了危房。 2021年,村里将30户危房户纳入农村C级危房改造范围,通过政府补助及村民自筹的方式,在升坪村3组修建农民新村。 default The William L. Clements Library Image Bank contains a selection of materials from the library's rich collection of early Americana. Items include a variety of graphic materials, maps, and manuscripts from various periods in early American history. These images are simply a few of the many treasures that the Clements has to offer and are not intended to be comprehensive or representative of the whole of the Clements’ diverse collection. 齐鲁晚报:2021-1-31 · 《齐鲁晚报》(电子版)的一切内容(包括但不限于文字、图片、PDF、图表、标志、标识、商标、版面设计、专栏目录与名称、内容分类标准众及为读者提供的任何信息)仅供齐鲁晚报的报、网、端、微等载体读者阅读、学习研究使用,未经本单位书面授权,任何单位及个人不得将《齐鲁晚报》(电子 ... General Information Sources;Humanities Archives and Manuscripts;Photographs and Pictorial Works;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/w/wcl1ic N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/w/wcl1ic?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/w/wcl1ic?page=collinfo University of Michigan Collections University of Michigan Collections um-ic University of Michigan Collections
Collection Ypsilanti Historical Society Photo Archives Ypsilanti Historical Society Photo Archives Y /lib/colllist/thumbnails/yhsic1.jpg 800 799 番羽土啬吧 /lib/colllist/thumbnails/yhsic1.jpg Ypsilanti Historical Society Photo Archives /y/yhsic1 N/A N/A N/A text:Ypsilanti Historical Society Photo Archives 番羽土啬吧 This searchable collection of photographs from the Archives of the Ypsilanti Historical Society currently contains over 300 images. Images included people, buildings, homes, events, celebrations and other subjects. Digital Library Production Service General Information Sources;Humanities Photographs and Pictorial Works;Places;American Culture;United States History Public http://quod.lib.umich.edu/y/yhsic1 N/A http://quod.lib.umich.edu/y/yhsic1?page=index http://quod.lib.umich.edu/y/yhsic1?page=collinfo Local History Local History localhist-ic Local History
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